Been a few weeks since I last shared progress.
Got everything else engine related reinstalled, including the flywheel inspection cover that i forgot to install prior to dropping the engine in, that was enjoyable...
Rebuilt the power steering pump....its still seems to be leaking, or the cap is seeping(more likely), I am monitoring it. The reseal kit lacked an o-ring for the reservoir. I jammed a beefy one in that I had in the garage, however it may have not seated correctly and could be my issue as well.

Car fired right up after replacing the battery, after a few minutes the lifter quieted down and it ran quite smoothly.
With the engine back up and running, I took a stab at rebuilding the shifter linkage. Removing the old linkage joint was a bit of a chore but I was able to get the new joint installed. Unfortunately it still has quite a bit of slop. The return spring is missing and the bushings on the shift lever and lever joint are both shot so I will order the last few bits from Subaru.

On black friday I was able to score a matching backseat to my wrx front buckets, in great shape for $22 from Pick in pull, win.
I got the interior all cleaned up and installed, friend of mine came and picked up the old black/white leather interior to free up some garage space. Also gave the brakes a check/regreased the caliper slides, and set front toe.
BRZ wheels were on temporarily since my snow tires/wheels were mounted on the my brz in case of inclement weather, looked pretty hoopty.

Another BF deal was a bluetooth headunit I snagged for cheap from bestbuy to replace the dated kenwood currently in the car.
Having a functioning stereo was a big deal as this plans to be my daily throughout the winter months, as mentioned before, the car was the victim of a amateur car stereo audiophile at some point in its life. There were two amps in the trunk, a compact woofer underneath the passenger seat and JBL speakers all around.
This is all well and good, however: the passenger door speaker did not work, the amplifier power cable was dangerously frayed in the engine compartment, directly next to the fuel lines. There was a mess of wires in the trunks nd the whole car had aux wire galore. I decided to remove the amps and woofer and update the headunit for ease of connectivity.
I started in the trunk removing this rats nest (Yes that is 8 gauge wire feeding a buss fuse block and then 16guage to power each

Noting that the factory speaker wires had been cut and auxiliary speaker wire ran from the amps to the speakers, I knew things were going to get kind of ugly. I was able to get all speakers functioning once again utilizing the factory speaker harness (loose connection on the passenger door) I removed all the aftermarket rca, power and speaker wires, as well as aftermarket footwell lights and an aftermarket ignition immobilizer.
I also cleaned up the headunit harness, I was greeted by this mess upon removing the existing radio:

All said and done, I am much happier with the car now that the big things are tackled!
I have been driving it the past week or so back and forth to work about 150 miles so far, It rides pretty well overall, brakes feel a bit meh, but it is a 20 year old impreza.
The clutch cable needs a bit more a adjustment, I have a CEL for the Map sensor and my dash illumination now does not work (i assume its a bad wire connection since i removed the footwell lights, hoping easy fix). But overall the car is livable and seems to drive well otherwise. I've been experiencing a rattle from the shifter, I'm guessing that is still the need for the remaining bushings. I should probably also check the gearbox fluid level as well.
Interior cleaned up nicely, I'll try to get some better pictures of the whole car when I get a chance. A few more loose ends and it should be a pretty tight ship, all in all I am quite happy with the car!