And on the 7th day there was content and the people rejoiced... Or something like that.
Today was yard work; I've been working a lot on getting my backyard sorted out after several years of (pre-me) neglect. Today was good as I used my finally running right, free when I rescued it from the curb, lawn mower with new carb and sharper blade to mulch up all the dried vines I yanked off the fence and tree. They've been in a pile for longer than I want to talk about because I didn't have a good way to get rid of them. Problem solved. Plus the regular stuff on the front and some trimmer-edging but that's not what you're here for now, is it?
Yesterday was Mustang day. I had less fabrication work to do than I was afraid of, practically none in fact, thanks to some previously rendered assistance the last time I had an official Mustang day to try and make a track day that was canceled. Obviously, I would not have made it considering that the car is still not drivable. Very, very close though. I had to do some filing, and went a little overboard, but my pedal is mounted and I think it's pretty solid. The mount is the same one that held on the last pedal and that held up to a few track days just fine. Long term, I intend to find an original Mustang pedal since I think that that will provide me the best results and a solid mount. I'm also open to ideas but I figure a junkyard pedal shouldn't be too bad on the wallet, especially compared to the aftermarket pedals I have seen.

Ignore the wire mess, it's usually tucked away better. And you can't see the worst of it. Cutting this back and simplifying my wiring (Round 2) is a future project, quite possibly for the winter or whenever I feel like taking the dash out again.
I do still need to add a pedal stop, snapping the cable would be embarassing. I'm open to ideas, all I'm picturing so far is bolting something to the floorboard. That something may or may not be a section of 2x4. lol But seriously, it may be.

I also put in the throttle cable bracket, it lines up perfectly despite not exactly being made with this intake in mind. It's solidly mounted and made of 2 very solid chunks of aluminum so it's not going anywhere. The only problem I have with it is that, since it wasn't made for this intake, it does conflict slightly with the MAP sensor. Before I'm done I think I might just take it off and remove some material (Yay! weight savings) to take the pressure off of the delicate plastic.
Ignore the wiring, I'm leaving the connections visible so as not to jinx myself by wrapping them up prematurely. Also ignore the seat belt bolt stuck in heater hose on the end of the vacuum tube, that's a temporary measure that doesn't leave the driveway.

I did connect the throttle cable to the pedal but I held off on hooking up the other end until I decide what sleeve to use. I have the nice Lokar one that came with the cable but I want to leave that uncut for the final install. I also have a cheaper AutoZone braided steel piece that I'm probably not going to use because it was paired with a shorter cable than the Lokar and isn't long enough to cover the full length. Short story shorter, I'm gonna use the Lokar sleeve but I was at a good stopping point and wanted to end the day on a positive. Once that is done I have to figure out how to get a rear view mirror to stick, tune the idle enough to not be embarassing, and bleed/rebuild the brakes. Smaller items include wiring the fan controls into the MS and, preferably, doing the same for the fuel pump. Wideband O2s should be in this week, those will be a nice treat and probably the last thing over $20 that I buy for the car for a couple months. I also have a surprise on the way, I'll def have pictures for that since it's gonna be so neat. There's a lot more to do on the car before I'll be content but that's the "Get It Track Ready Punch List" (GITRPL) because I really want to get back on track. Safely, mind you.
Lastly. I'm hoping to get most of the tidying up done after work this week so I can get some better pictures. On track picks would be best, don't you agree? I wonder if I could scheme up a way to get in the same shot as the VetteKart...