Because this is GRM, I figure I might as well start a preemptive build thread for one of my next projects; a BBQ / smoker trailer. My hopeful budget is $250. I'm going to attempt to scrounge up enough scrap material to make this happen for as close to free as possible.
I'll start with this: $0 investment

I have a stainless steel food cart I can use / sacrifice. $20 investment

I'll be stealing (taking) an old utility trailer out of the field behind the family farm: $0 investment. No pictures yet.
There are a few shops in town where I can get free pallets and scrap angle iron.
Has a ton of plans and ideas, but I'll likely just wing it and hope for the best.
Anybody want to play?
I'll be following this build, as it's cool.
But the compressor looks like I'd be worth more to me, as a compressor, than as a smoker! Same for the cart.
I still like an old fashioned oil drum. Cut on a slant for a clam shell opening, rather than the typ. 1/2 cut or panel cut out door.
03Panther said:
I'll be following this build, as it's cool.
But the compressor looks like I'd be worth more to me, as a compressor, than as a smoker! Same for the cart.
I still like an old fashioned oil drum. Cut on a slant for a clam shell opening, rather than the typ. 1/2 cut or panel cut out door.
I don't have three phase power at my shop and this thing is going to scrap if I don't re-home it soon. I COULD convert it to a 10hp motor off a standard 240V 50A plug, but that's a more expensive endeavor than I really care to take on right now. I'm not too keen on having a gas powered compressor that requires me to go start it and shut it off. I'm spoiled and want air on demand, with zero effort. I suppose I could sell the compressor for a handsome profit, but that's not as fun as a BBQ trailer. And I'll likely list the motor and compressor head once I remove them.
The food cart is literally just sitting in my way currently. I had grand plans to make it a portable powder coat oven, but again, that costs more than I am wanting to put in to anything right now.
I can get scrap metal for free. The trailer was free. The compressor was free.
Heck, maybe I can sell the BBQ setup for a hefty profit when I'm done. Or, I'll be the most popular guy at car shows and races.
In reply to birdmayne :
I hadn't thought about the 3 phase! Not surprised now that I think about it, considering the look.
Def. gonna be a cool build.