Feels strange that I have been here a decade and this is my first foray into a build thread, but that's OK. It's the thought that counts, right?
So here's what I started with:

There's potential here, hidden behind the purple tint and mismatched wheels/hubcaps. I bought a set of Buick Rallye wheels in the proper 5x5 format a few years ago. These wheels were intended for my Caprice Estate, but I am honestly at a loss as for why I never put them on. Oh well. I feared that my OCC would look a bit strange with its Euroesque body cladding, but I think I was wrong. What do you think?

I already had two good tires, but finding a matching pair proved tricky. Luckily, I found two identical tires on ebay for $65 each with free shipping. As Tobias Fünke would say: "Huzzah!"
Now the next thing I did you may judge me for, and that's OK. I just thought it was the right amount of silly to complement my D.A.R.E. sticker.

So that's where we are now. Up next, your humble narrator goes junkyard hunting to see if I can find anything that I don't know I need, but will totally want when I see it. Well, and maybe a front seat and a keyless entry module. Seriously, who orders one of these without keyless? Philistine.
6/11/15 4:31 p.m.
that's hot. we need to hang out more often.
6/11/15 4:36 p.m.
Looks good on those wheels.
Thanks guys! And yes Pat, we need to. I wish to see this challenge car.
6/12/15 8:36 a.m.
I love these big wagons, but you never see the Olds. I see Buick Roadmasters all the time. Too bad they didn't put the LT1 in these.
You have created a genuine Oldsmobuick.
6/12/15 11:40 a.m.
Looks great! I think whitewalls should be mandatory on anything over 4000 lbs.
In reply to fujioko:
I agree! Unless I find a set of Impala SS wheels.
JohnRW1621 wrote:
You have created a genuine Oldsmobuick.
As I pulled up to my palatial, imitation apartment building, I noticed the familiar red OldsmoBuick of Mr. Arnold T. Pants, Esquire. Attorney for the former Mrs. Irwin M. Fletcher.
6/12/15 7:09 p.m.
EVERYONE does impala wheels.
i put bullitts on the roadmonster with 5x5 to 5x4.5 adapters.

I like. I like a lot. 
My friend has a LT1 Caprice wagon that has the same Buick Road Wheels. They work very well on the "road whale" B-Body cars of the early-mid 1990's.
6/12/15 11:34 p.m.
Where the hell did you find a Ross Perot sticker?
I know, Pat. They're a bit old hat, but for autocrossing, they're the cheapest way to get into a bigger tire combo. I just wouldn't trust spacers.
Tom, eBay has everything.
The white/gray and those wheels are a great combo on that wagon
Hello, and welcome to the two steps forward, one step back edition.
So I fixed the leaking exhaust. Did I ever mention that? Maybe not. Anyway, the flange coming off of the catalytic converter was rusted pretty badly, and while performing an Italian tune-up, it decided to not go gently into that good night. Because it sounded like ass, and, due to my bad shoulder, I had a shop fix that. Now the car is back to sounding like a cacophony of children spitting into an empty roll of gift wrapping. Or tinny and echoy. Still, better than sounding like every other truck with straight pipes.
While it was there, I had them check out the A/C and load test the alternator, which I suspected was on its way out. The A/C was bone dry. No R12 whatsoever. They of course cautioned me on the perils of a bone dry system, and quoted me a price of $125 to convert it and fill it with R134a, offering no guarantee that it would even work. I knew the components seemed to be in working order, so I decided to tackle it myself. I found a kit at WalMart (I know) for $45, by ID. I had watched a few videos on the tubes of you detailing this kit, and figured it was worth a shot. So I replaced the low and high pressure valves and filled it with R134a. And wouldn't you know? It works! We'll see how long it can hold a charge, but it's holding up OK three days in.
So my alternator? It's on its way out. It charges fine at idle, but at speeds/RPMs over 55/1800 it can't keep up. I see replacements on Rockauto in the $60 range, but maybe a certain guy named Pat has one lying around he'll sell me for cheaper? 
Well, I am about six days in, and the A/C is still holding a charge. This is great news, given Ohio's recent desire to become a jungle/swamp hybrid.
My exhaust smells. It smells like my old `71 Cutlass with its uncatalyzed exhaust. Perhaps my cat's been gutted? I think this would explain the tinny exhaust noise.
6/16/15 9:31 a.m.
In reply to Esoteric Nixon:
I can't say I even remember that the "new" generation Custom Cruiser existed. I probably didn't see many even when it was new.
Neat project.
6/16/15 3:17 p.m.
That thing is a unicorn for sure.
Esoteric Nixon wrote:
Well, I am about six days in, and the A/C is still holding a charge. This is great news, given Ohio's recent desire to become a jungle/swamp hybrid.
My exhaust smells. It smells like my old `71 Cutlass with its uncatalyzed exhaust. Perhaps my cat's been gutted? I think this would explain the tinny exhaust noise.
The problem you are going to have at one point or another, is that the oil in your R-12 system is not compatible with R-134A, and will eventually booger up your system.
bravenrace wrote:
Esoteric Nixon wrote:
Well, I am about six days in, and the A/C is still holding a charge. This is great news, given Ohio's recent desire to become a jungle/swamp hybrid.
My exhaust smells. It smells like my old `71 Cutlass with its uncatalyzed exhaust. Perhaps my cat's been gutted? I think this would explain the tinny exhaust noise.
The problem you are going to have at one point or another, is that the oil in your R-12 system is not compatible with R-134A, and will eventually booger up your system.
As far as I know, the R134a in the kit comes with oil that is compatible.
Esoteric Nixon wrote:
I know, Pat. They're a bit old hat, but for autocrossing, they're the cheapest way to get into a bigger tire combo. I just wouldn't trust spacers.
Tom, eBay has everything.
fwiw. I autocrossed a grand marquis for a season, running hubcentric 1.5" adapters in the front, 2" adapters in the rear with 17x8 mustang cobra wheels. no issues.
sweeeeet wagon btw. love those vista cruiser roofs.
Thanks, fail!
Well, it's been nearly a month and 1,000 miles, but the OCC has given me little in the way of problems. Two weeks in and the A/C is still working just fine. 22inch wipers seem small on the car's huge windshield.
So now to start focusing on getting it ready to autocross. This should be interesting.
I had a '91 Custom Cruiser in dark blue. I loved that car! I ordered dropped spindles and springs from Moon Racing in California. That thing looked right sitting in the weeds.
I've always liked these. Now you have me searching craigslist for a project.
So thanks, I think?
Looking forward to some autocross action shots
Time for an update! I've put about 3,000 miles on the CC since buying it in June. The A/C is still blowing cold, even on the hottest days, so I'm pretty happy that my forty-some dollar investment paid off there. When we last saw the intrepid traveler, it was noted that the alternator was on its way out. And out it went, but on my terms! Once it got to the point whereby trips on the freeway proved too cumbersome for the sickly alternator, it was replaced along with the serpentine belt.
Going forward, it's time to overhaul the front suspension. The handling is... a little vague, to be nice. I know it can be better, as evidenced by my time with my old Caprice wagon. Currently looking for sway bars. I REALLY want to autocross this thing this year, but not with the suspension feeling so vague.