Sunday was pretty hectic with the car out in two groups, and adjusting harnesses in addition to all the other between sessions stuff. I had picked the brains of a few folks, and realized I was carrying the wrong gear through a few sections and made some small line adjustments. I immediately picked up a bunch of speed.... the brakes were starting to be a bigger issue.
Me in T3
ChrisT3small by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
All of Saturday and the first session Sunday, I had tried to be considerate, and lined up mid pack for the session. After having to get point bys from most of the cars lined up in front of me in the first session Sunday, I said screw it and got up front. I ended up being the 3rd car out, the car in front of me being the K swapped green NA from Saturday. 2nd lap out the front car went off at the exit of T4 and it was me and the K car. We had a great session, with me right on his ass until he finally pointed me by, and then he pretty much stuck right on my ass. Like Saturday, I was faster in the turns, he had more on the straights. Much fun! I went and found the driver after the session and we had a nice talk about the cars, the traffic and various strategies on track. Then it was back on track with my wife.
My wife had to start over with the novice group, including the initial lead/follow session... that didn't go well. The instructor was running completely different lines than she was shown on Friday, and completely different from anything I'd seen around the track... most drivers I know don't like going deep into the marbles before turning in. It also turned into a huge conga line as the different groups merged into one after a couple laps. After talking with the organizers, they let her go out with D in the next session, then move back to E to skip the 2nd lead/follow.
D gave her some good experience in pointing faster cars by, but she was also picking up speed...
Wife in T3
BrandieT3small by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
Wife in T6
Brandie T6 small by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
Me in the Corkscrew
MRLS17CorkscrewSmall1 by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
I later checked for lap times, and discovered I wasn't getting any times. By that time we were into the lunch parade laps, and all the event staff were nowhere to be found. I later discovered the battery in my transponder was dead. Great... I ended up downloading a GPS based lap timer app to my phone, and was able to get it running.
This time, I got out first. I had been picking up speed all day, and it was time to try for a time. Got through the warm up lap, and got a good drive up the front straight, but caught a straggler at T2. He didn't point me by (mandatory for passing in our group) until after T5, killing my drive up the hill to T6. Once through the Corkscrew it was clear sailing and I got a good run into T11 and up the straight... 1:55.2. But now I was on a flyer... no traffic, I was nailing my marks and going fast. My shift points were telling me I was carrying more speed through the corners, and all was great through the Corkscrew and into Rainey. And then it all went wrong in T10... trying to bleed off speed, trailbraking toward the apex, and the back stepped out. I couldn't catch it and around we went. Both feet in, and backwards into the gravel. Oops. 
Well, so much for the fastest lap of the day. LOL
After getting pulled out of the gravel, I took the car back to the paddock, jacked it up and made sure there was no damage, and got the gravel out of the brakes. A quick drive around the paddock shook out most of the remainder, then it was time to get my wife in for her next session.
She was still picking up speed, but was tired and her lines were getting a little ragged. She still got her fastest lap (2:05.8), and her first ever point by (three of them) in that session.
I elected to call it a day at that point, discretion being the better part of valor. I spoke to the K swapped driver again later in the day. He told me he was able to get a 1:51 with a minor slowdown for traffic, so I'm pretty sure we were both knocking on the 1:40s... Something to shoot for next time... 
We loaded the trailer, and brought the camper down from the campsite to pick it up. Fortunately, it fit in our campsite, so we were able to keep everything hooked up for an early, pre-dawn departure.
MRLSTruck2 by Rodan AZ, on Flickr
All in all, a fantastic weekend, and a great experience, especially for my wife having never been to Laguna Seca. The car ran perfectly all weekend. The new truck did an awesome job, and is a much better place to spend many hours on the highway.
Now, time to do something about those brakes...
Photo credit: All on track photos in this post were taken by, the track pro photog... great job!