We stayed at a nice park on the bay side of Pensacola Beach.

It was within walking distance of the beach and most of the better restaraunts in the area.
Our first day there it was still raining, so we dropped the dog off at 'day care' and headed for the National Naval Aviation Museum on Pensacola NAS. I had expected this would be the highlight of the trip for me, and it was. I've always been an aviation nut and it was like a huge candy store for me.
All of the exhibits are listed here, and there's too many to talk about here, but a notable one for me was an SBD Dauntless dive bomber that managed to survive the attack on Pearl Harbor, and flew in the Battle of Midway (the only known surviving aircraft from Midway), two of the most important battles of the war in the Pacific. It had visible bullet hole patches on the fuselage... lots of them.

Another that I was happy to see was a boring little training helicopter, a Jet Ranger or TH-57 in Navy parlance. When I was big into RC, I built a replica of one of these for scale helicopter competitions. The one in the museum was from the same training squadron, but a different bird. It was just cool to see it up close after spending so much effort to replicate it.
The real deal


The rain finally stopped the next day, so we wandered around Pensacola Beach, had some great fish tacos, and saw a couple cool unicorns. I think there was a show going on... we saw a number of classic muscle cars on trailers on the highway. This was in our park, came in towed behind a motorhome.

This was in the hotel lot across the street...

Later, we picked up the dog. When we travel, if we're going to be doing 'touristy' stuff, if Kona can't come along, we try to get daycare for her. That way she gets to play with some other dogs when we're traveling. In this case, the boarder took pictures of all their charges in 'fiesta' attire... Kona didn't look impressed.

In other news, Milton was slowly brewing in the Gulf, and I was keeping a close eye. Fortunately, it didn't look like it was coming our way. We put my in-laws on their flight back to PA, breathed a big sigh of relief (don't ever go on an RV trip with your in-laws, or any other extended family, or anyone beyond your immediate family for that matter... trust me), and prepped to pull out for home the next morning.
The four day trip home from FL was pretty unremarkable, except for an I10 closure in Houston that created some epic traffic, some suicidal Texas drivers in Houston and San Antonio and a lot of construction. While the trip wasn't what we planned, we did have a good time, had fun, and visited new places. I am hoping our next trip will have a little more race car content, and a lot less Hurricane content...