Since I rarely play video games and don't have the patience to watch movies in the evening, I seem to have plenty of free time lol.
Like, today. While the kids and wife spent their day out in the neighbor's yard around the pool, getting a tan, I am not much for sitting around reading books in the 90+ degree sun. Luckily, my garage is in the shade.
For a minute I considered putting the engine in today, but there are still a few things I want to do that will be easier with no engine in the way, and there's really no point in putting it in at the moment since it'll be a while before I round up all the other stuff I need to actually get it running. I wanted to take the Porsche for a spin this morning so that was a good opportunity to go browse around the big fabric store 20 minutes from my house after crusing around waiting for the place to open at 10am. So spent about half an hour in there with no idea what I was looking for, getting odd looks from the two older ladies who were working there on a Sunday morning...
In any case, I settled on 2 yards of a plaid fabric with a few shades of tan/khaki and red in it, since that should work with my planned color scheme for this car's interior and exterior. Even better, it was 40% off stuff so it cost me a grand total of 16 bucks (plus a few bucks for a can of spray adhesive).
Note: this is fairly cheap outdoor material that doesn't stretch very well - which was probably a mistake on my part since it makes working around curved surfaces more difficult than using a material that has some stretch to it. Anyhow....
First piece was the rear deck beind the seats. which was relatively easy since it's pretty much flat. Here it is

incidentally, here's the speakers I was talking about in my previous post. Pretty fancy for a base-model 1984 318 with hand-crank windows lol

Anyhow, after that I decided to do the upper front visor panel, since the original vinyl was all peeling off and had a rip in it. This was more difficult since it has a good bit of curves and surface level changes, but it came out ok. Looks kind of silly up there perhaps, but what the hell...just re-doing the panel in black vinyl would have been boring.

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Took a few minutes to straighten out the big dent in the back of the trunk that has annoyed me for some time. A while with a couple ball-peen hammers, a few wooden dowels, and a couple short 2x3s and it's back to more or less flat, at least enough that bondo can disguise it when the time comes
here's an exciting picture of......not much

ok, now for the tough "upholstery". The OEM center console rear section vinyl was peeling as well, so I ripped all that off and wrapped it up with the fabric. This was pretty tough as there are a LOT of different angles to deal with and it's certainly nowhere near perfect. However, what it is, is GOOD ENOUGH. Then I did the shifter surround area of the main center console as well - trying my best to match up the patterns between the two pieces. The rest of that center console panel will be flocked, but I didn't want to do that in the area where my arm/hand is on alot - I've found that a lot of direct contact on flocked stuff eventually wears it off, which has happened to the center console on the Porsche to some degree.
Anyhow, here's the finished product. Looks really weird without carpet below it, but you get the idea. I will get a new shift boot for it. FYI, the carpet will be some shade of tan/beige that matches the OEM door panels, so it shoudl match up with the tan in the plaid fabric farily well. Guess we'll see.