Well, the time has come. In the mean time while no info on the other build thread can be posted, work is being done on the older, non-running race car. Road Warrior 8, our 2013-2014 car, has not run in a long, long time. Parts were scavenged for newer cars, other parts simply never worked to begin with, and the newer team members need to get their hands dirty. This presents a great opportunity for them to see a car through to completion and allows them to have a more practical learning period compared to past years. All I know is that soon, we will have another track ready car, and I'm excited.
The first order of business was replacing rotors. Old ones were worn, and when the car was running had a bad habit of breaking, so we switched them out for an older design's spares. Out with the old. . .
When it all came apart, I realized the wheel bearings were in a bad way, so they had to get changed. Uprights came off the a-arms.
Many have fallen.
In with the new rotors, complete with safety wiring.
For those who asked about the hub assemblies, this should give a better idea of how they go together. Stub axle first,
Then Upright (still no bearings)
Finally hub with rotor, and it all gets sandwiched by the wheel and lug nut.
Steering feel/weight was always an issue because of the nylon bushings on the steering column, so the column had to come out.
Bushings got ground/cut/burned out of the supports.
Replacements will be aluminum sleeves with needle bearings pressed in, should help tremendously. Steering used to take nearly triple the effort that the new car takes, because of one undersized bushing. About to go turn the housings now, should be done soon.
Also working on packaging a differential that never belonged in this car. Harder than you would imagine. Requires new differential mounts, old axles may? be able to work. Fitment is funky fresh though, not sure how the sprocket is going to fit next to the left diff mount.
All in all, good progress. I'll keep updating.