06/04/2022 Rallycross
This was obviously a shakedown event for the car, and the first time I've driven it in almost 2 years (and my first rallycross in over a year I think?). I suppose it hasn't had much done since then, just the cage and the dash/cluster iirc (and disconnecting/removing a bajillion things), but the state of chaos the car has been in was not confidence inspiring. Step one of getting that confidence back was driving it to the event. We had the trailer and the e30 aswell, which is very streetable (and a whole lot more pleasant than the volvo), so worst case we'd be able to swap the cars. So besides fixing some of those small electrical issues that were keeping it from being a decent road car (getting working wipers, windows, and blowers) we also put the exhaust back on and ziptied a rear view mirror to the cage.
With all that being done, I have to say this thing is actually pretty nice on the highway. I mean yea, it has a 4.10, makes like 80hp, has solid mounts, a loud exhaust, race seats and harnesses, no AC, no speedo, fairly awful resonance at highway speeds, etc, but it's weirdly peaceful to drive. Just pop some ear plugs in (or not... I did the first hour without them and my ears remained blood free) and enjoy the hum. The visibility is awesome (like seriously best of any car I've ever driven), the new driving position is perfect, and the drivers seat is 10/10 comfy. I could even maintain speed up most of the hills near Panthera. Rallycross was off to a good start!
Onto the race itself – the morning course was insanely tight and on the slower side for panthera. The volvo is definitely not e30 sized so we were at a bit of a disadvantage from the get go. But the car also makes like 80hp and my driving is rusty as hell so was the extra size really the deciding factor in our finishing? Lol. The morning runs mostly ended up being feeling out the car and trying to remember how to avoid all those orange things. Towards the end of the morning I realized the gas cap was leaking and gas was covering the side of the car. Tightening the cap didn’t work, nor did duct tape (who would have thought that gas eats through adhesive??) so we abandoned the volvo for the bronzit e30 that my Dad and his codriver Stephen usually run (and Eric and I used to drive in PR, see profile pic) for the last run of the morning. (The gas cap issue ended up just being that the cap was cross threaded… In my defense, it felt completely normal when tightening and clicked as normal.) The car and number swap took a few minutes that we didn’t have to spare as we were already behind, so sorry for holding everyone up!! Anyways, Eric managed to put down the fastest raw time of the morning (+1), after like 2 years of zero rallyx or even driving the e30. In his first run of the day in the car. So apparently he’s not as rusty as I thought! Onto my run: the extra power and ability to spin both rear wheels really went to my head (it always does….) and I went full sideways through the entire course. +4 cones on that run left me at a total of 13 over the 4 morning runs.
The afternoon course was a lot more forgiving. It was the same layout as the morning course, except with everything opened up a bit. I also somewhat figured out my driving – picking out my lines instead of driving cone to cone (which I was repeatedly punished for in the morning because of the tight gates). I was starting to get some consistency back, with the exception being the run that Eric’s girlfriend rode along with me where I hit 4 cones. Not sending it extra hard for new passengers just doesn’t sit right with me. Besides that, conditions were quite challenging as well. A couple places on the course started to gather silt to an impressive degree, and not just on the outside of corners but on the racing line as well. The prime example being a tightening radius corner which was essentially entirely silt, and you just had to kind of lightly trail brake into it and float the car through the corner.

Eric and I both managed a few clean and fairly quick runs in the afternoon that ended up being about 3 seconds a run off the pace of the top of MR (over a 70+ second course). Not bad for an 80 whp brick!!!! The car has a bit more in it as well I think, as I’m still figuring out the car - both how it drives as well as how wide it is. Tire pressures were pretty high as well. I will say though, I think layout wise the afternoon course was about as advantageous as panthera can get for this car. There wasn’t really anywhere where I felt more power would have done me any huge favors and most corners were low enough speeds that the locker would engage on the way out.
Overall I’m pretty happy with how the car performed. Turn in was awesome (even in the silt, somehow), as were the brakes. Like seriously on the few runs where I just straight line braked down into the hairpin (instead of locking them up for a nice lil scandinavian flick) the car had me hanging from the belts. Pedal pressure was perfect, no squishiness, super easy to threshold brake. Coming into the slalom bit (at the end of the little straight up at the top of the hill) trail braking got the car rotated beautifully. The only thing I’m not too happy about is that the rear end feels a little too light. It makes sense, as the car has like 50lbs of sprung weight in the rear, but just makes for some slightly pitiful launches and not handling the bumps particularly well. I really need to feel it out in some faster courses to see how the lightness/lack of grip plays with the locker (which only engages under 25mph) on faster corners. On the upside, that rear end did feel better than it ever has. Oversteer on corner entry (from silt, trail braking, or just flicking it) all felt quite natural, and even when the locker wasn’t engaging on acceleration it wasn’t awful by any means. No bottoming out that I could feel either (using stock rear springs). Seems like the suspension is sorted, at least for the time being. Time to focus on stuff that the car needs for full stage events!

The event did leave me with a bit of a list to fix:
- Loud clunk in the rear when going over bumps (possibly just the exhaust bouncing around??)
- Brake lights
- Rear running lights
- Tach backlight not working
- Driver's side front window flaky (rallyx broke it again)
- Investigate slow oil leak/loss
- Interior blower fans stopped working
- Reattach headlight cover
Currently playing with the thought of doing the Friday at The Track on Aug 5th. The car is parked and I won't be back to fix it until July 29th, so it’s a bit of a stretch, but doable I think. Would be cool if I could get Eric out in his e46 (or any other DC rallyx friends). There is also a Rausch Creek rallysprint on the 6th and 7th, but Stephen (prospective co-driver) has a thing and I don’t really have any options for getting the car to and from the event.