And welcome back to Wheeler Dealers! When I last left you all of the body work had been completed. The old crash damaged bonnet and front bumper cover tossed in favor of nicer used units now on the car. The old leaky radiator had been replaced with a new one, along with the punctured A/C condenser. After a pressure test of the A/C system the old compressor was leaking at the seal, and was replaced with a reman unit.
Which brings us up to today. I've been driving it for the last week and there are a couple items I need to take care of that are starting to annoy me. The first thing I started on, was the broken sunvisor mirror cover. I found the broken cover while vacuuming the back seats out. So no parts buying needed for this one.
I started by drilling out the broken end.

Then I took a nail and clipped it down to the proper length and super glued it in place.

All that was left was to install it in the car, which I did, and it worked out great.
The next annoyance is that rear sunshade is stuck in the UP position all the time. Now I read some posts on the Merc forums about a bearing that works it's way loose in the motor shaft so I decided to take mine apart and see if it could be repaired.
This sunshade is so stuck up..

I started by removing the the rear seat corners.

Then all the clips and stuff holding the rear package shelf in. I had ot remove the C-pillar trim to get this piece out.

Once I had the shade out, I took it to the bench for teardown.

Here you cane see the motor shaft is not centered due to the bearing being pushed out of the endbell.

I removed the motor and the bearing and retainer clip just cam falling out when I took the end off.

Here it is back in place. I used a bit of superglue here also to make sure it stayed in place.

Unfortunately as I started to put it back together I noticed that the winding gear had a few teeth sheared off it, I hoped that maybe it would still work, but that wasn't the case. As soon as the worm gear hit that spot the shade stopped working. Oh well I tried. So I just folded the shade down and unplugged the motor so it would stay in the down position.
I was getting a brake wear warning on the dash upon startup so I ordered a couple brake sensors and installed those, the front was fine but the rear was worn through. The brake pads looked brand new so I just installed the sensor and the warning went away.
The next item was the ambient front temp sensor. It had been ripped off in the accident along with the wiring. Well i found the wiring along with the wiring for the fog lamp on the passenger side. I then soldered on some wiring extensions for the fog lights and the sensor.
Loose wiring in the wheel arch.

Soldered up and heat shrinked.

The used temp sensor wasn't working so I made a makeshift resistor pack and the dash indicated 84* so I knew the wiring was good.

With this resistor setup in place and the temp reading 84* I was able to charge the A/C up. Before I did though, I installed the missing bolt I had to get from the dealership for the rear compressor bolt hole. I added 4 ounces of PAG-46 oil per the manual then charged it with 15 ounces of r134, next a can of stop-leak went in, as I wanted to make sure with the old system I didn't get any leaks, then another 15oz of r134 was added. Checked the temp at the dash and thank the maker it was blowing ice cold! It says to run the system for 15 minutes on the Stopleak so I took it for a spin around the block and down to the local Advance Auto to get some oil and a filter, but they didn't have any 0w40 on sale and I wasn't about to buy 9 quarts at 10 dollars a quart. So I just came home.
The A/C was really the last thing preventing me from selling the car, so with it now fixed I can get her cleaned up, and ready for its next owner.
I did pop onto Amazon to order the last bit of parts for it, some fog light connectors, a new ambient temp sensor, along with the oil and filter.
So it's time to total up what I've spent from the the kitty on it and how much it owes me.
I paid.
- $3400 - Car.
- $1900 - Front Bumper Cover, grill, grill inserts, and hood.
- $311 - Headlight assemblies, Left and Right.
- $162 - Radiator.
- $235 - A/C Compressor.
- $139 - A/C Compressor Pulley (Ended up not using but couldn't return).
- $58 - A/C Condenser.
- $58 - Inner fender liners, lower.
- $17 - Wheel Center Caps.
- $60 - Console Shift Bezel
- $13 - Ambient temp sensor connector and wiring.
- $12 - Serpentine Accessory Belt
- $260 - 2 new rear tires, mounted and balanced.
- $7 - Fog Light connectors.
- $15 - Ambient temp sensor
- $64 - Oil and Filter
- $14 - Brake wear sensors
- $5 - Compressor Bolt
- $93 - Engine and Trans Mounts.
So when we total it all up, this ride owes me just a tad over $6800. So I've gone over budget about $1600 but I'm pretty confident I can get around $9000 for it so I'm not sweating it too much. Stay tuned for the finale when i clean it up and see if I can get it sold.