My sort of son in law, just picked up 2 BMWs from a guy that finally had to admit he can no longer ride. I'm trading my K75S for the 1100 LT, and he was planing to part the boxer out. But his wife told him he is going to sell it as is!
Its here in N. Dothan AL.

more pictures to follow.
Ot is a legitimate "ran when parked", but that was long enough that the owner doesn't remember how long it was! Or where the seat went.
Does have a clean title, and includes a great condition windjammer faring.
I do not know the boxer values like I do K bikes, so we have no clue what it's worth. Any advise welcome. I do know there are some valuable parts, but I also know the GRM price is very negotiable!

Didn't know these have the steering damper as well.
Nice bike!
That /5 is some tank pads, a solo seat, and a little cleanup away from visual perfection.
I have not looked inside the tank yet... in fact, I haven't been over to see it in person yet! But the K bike had been setting about 7 years, and although the pump is bad, the tank is cleaner inside than several running K's I've eorked on!
I'm hoping this is the same 
I used to be quite good at ricer carbs from the 70s and 80s, but I'll leave these Bings to you guys!
I know there are some different points cans, and upgrades, but no clue what is on this
I have seen a few inexpensive seats (I know one is Corbin) on the south east parts of Craig's , if it's next owner is interested 
That definitely gives off parts bike vibes to me. The /5 seat is considered to be one of the best seats BMW ever put on a motorcycle, so the fact that that is missing isn't helping.
If the engine isn't seized and I were in need of a 75/5 parts bike, I'd probably give $1500 for it, possibly a tad less. A nice 75/5 goes for something like $5k-7.5k outside of BAT depending on actual condition and if it's a toaster tank model or not (this one isn't, and while the bigger tank is an advantage for touring, people want the toaster tank models), and based on the pictures, it looks like it'll be hard to turn this one into a $5k bike if you don't want to spend $5k on it.
Poke around here for fair market values. Also do a C-List and ebay search for R-75s to see what's out there. A big plus having paperwork! I saw two NADA type sites that say fair condition is ~$1500 and excellent is $5900. I'd say it's worth $1,000 to somebody, parting it out may bring a bit more but once you add shipping, the time involved and dealing with knuckleheads, maybe not. Hang on to it until you have time to fix it, just run it.
I'd love to swing though Alabama with a trailer for this AND the 1922 Studebaker frame with wood spoke wheels.
In reply to 914Driver :
My s. i. l. has been told its worth 10k running. Doesn't believe me, when I told him; maybe he'll believe y'all! He was also told the tank is worth 600, in rough shape. I guess they assumed it was a toaster tank. I've seen 'em for 250!
I think he could be talked into $1500... at a grand, "they" told him a collector will give top dollar for it, so it'll have to sit for sale for a while before he'd believe us!
In reply to BoxheadTim :
That one of my issues with the falsely inflated prices the tv auctions started so many years ago. As I mention often, I remember when BaT was a good site!
wait till BaT turns him down... he'll be pissed! ( he won't bother to list it there anyway - had high hopes for y'all!)
In all honesty up until BoxheadTim and 914Driver posted I thought this would be a $2.5-3k bike in todays market. Obviously I was way off.
The Bing carbs are very simple. I just got done rebuilding the ones on my brother's '75 900/6 and got all the parts straight from Bing.
In reply to Slippery :
Hey, if someone can get $2.5k for this, more power to them
I'm not trying to be that guy (it comes naturally), but my issues with this bike are:
- It looks like it spent the last 20 years in a damp shed. Look at the rust on the frame, the corrosion on any exposed aluminum (ie, most of the engine block, forks and so on) and a closer look at the chrome bits also shows they don't look too hot either. For a BaT level bike you're probably going to have to tear into the engine as well to ensure the corrosion was only on the outside. Good news is that most of the mechanical bits are available.
- Hopefully the tank is just not sitting properly on it, because it's on crooked. Bottom of the tank should be level with the model designation on the engine block and it isn't, at least in the first picture. Needs to be look at.
- Bike looks badly painted. I suspect it was original silver.
- Switch gear doesn't look too hot either, let's hope that's just cosmetic as those are specific to the /5 IIRC. Not sure if you can still get OEM replacements. One of the issue with the /5s was that some of the specific parts are getting hard to find, at least when I last owned one, and that was over a decade ago.
- If you can get the exhaust collar nuts off without damaging the threads, buy a lottery ticket the same day
. They're notorious for baking on/corroding on, and if the threads are damaged, the only way to fix is to find a machine shop that's familiar with these heads and have them repair the damage
- As mentioned, the Bings are pretty simple to rebuild but I'd still take a good hard look at them to make sure they're not corroded and full of the wrong kind of expensive white powder. That said, if they are I'd be tempted to put a pair of Mikunis on, that's probably more cost effective.
Now if I were looking for something that I could use as a base for a hipster cafe racer, this might qualify if the main oily bits are in good shape. But either way, it's not worth a lot of money unless it's got an unobtanium part on in that someone is specifically looking for. It is however one of those bikes where you can easily spend more than the bike is worth to restore it to a decent standard, unless you can do all the work including paintwork and machining yourself and ideally have a big pile of good use parts for /5s already. And even then, I suspect it'll probably just join the parts pile.
In reply to BoxheadTim :
I concur. Any comments about BaT from my side, were purely in jest. This bike is destined for a parts bike, or non stock build!
oh, and at least ten, prolly more. And it was a carport.
I assumed it was poor black paint, with the gray primer showing. But following your thought, that be rusty, and isn't. The windjammer is a nice gloss black with original lettering.
You might also reach out to vintage motorcycle racing clubs, I know Loudon NH has an active vintage BMW group. Isn't there some kind of motorcycle museum racetrack in Alabama somewhere? Hmmmmm....
In reply to 914Driver :
Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum
In reply to Slippery :
I've only made it to Barber's museum once, and I went with a HD couple. I have a whole lot of old school HD in me (I was around when sex was safe and motorcycles were dangerous) but am very much into two wheels with engines. I could spend two days in there!!! They were done in 1/2 a day.
I'm not a member of BMW MOA online, they require a paid subscription to their magazine. But I'll suggest he join. There are a few "local" clubs within 100 miles, but no close. I also suggested he put an ad in Atl. Craig's Lots a Beemer folks up there, and we ain't that far.
Obviously that bike would be a major undertaking to 'restore', but could probably be a nice 'rider grade' bike. The guy that recently bought my R75/7 is a regional (or chapter?) president of this: from KC area. When he saw the bike in person he was very excited that it was generally original and unmolested and would be great to just ride. You may find a buyer like that looking to repair-and-ride without taking all the 20 years of carport off the bike.
When I got to work on my R60/5 I found a similar incomplete R50/5 with no title and a seized engine. I paid $1,000 for it and the seller drove 2-1/2 hours to meet me. We were both happy.

I got a lot of very good and hard to find parts from it, but there is no way that bike would have made sense to rebuild. I'd put the R75 as likely a slow sale at $1,500 to $2,000 to find the right buyer. It could probably go fairly quick at $1,500 on an active BMW specific classified site. I'd do $1,500 probably if it's not seized and I was within a couple hundred miles. GRM relay???
It's hard to tell with the resolution, but is that heavy rust on the frame? (Zoomed in screenshot)

I didn't see that at first... If it is, I'd have much lower expectations of selling it as a whole bike.
This guy is always looking for these kinds of bikes on the local Craigslist. He will not pay top dollar and most likely use it for parts ... maybe you want to pass his contact to the seller.

In reply to AAZCD-Jon (Forum Supporter) :
I have not put eyes or hands on it yet, but supposedly not locked up.
While typing this s. i. l. Sent reply that that's part of the old seat, not the frame. According to him, it be easy to fab. But he doesn't do any fab work, so...
I get over to see it someday!
03Panther said:
In reply to BoxheadTim :
I concur. Any comments about BaT from my side, were purely in jest. This bike is destined for a parts bike, or non stock build!
oh, and at least ten, prolly more. And it was a carport.
I assumed it was poor black paint, with the gray primer showing. But following your thought, that be rusty, and isn't. The windjammer is a nice gloss black with original lettering.
Thing is, if this was the original paint even in shoddy condition, there should be some remnants of the pinstriping somewhere, but I can't see any.
In reply to BoxheadTim :
Yea, the windjammer is original paint; probably several bad paint jobs on the bike! With the latest being black, to match. 
Previous owner was a long distance rider; the K is obviously extremely well maintained, and looks great for 104,000 miles! But polishing was not his thing! If a K needed more than an occasional wash, it wouldn't look to great either!

the boxer sat like that awhile. Don't know where "seat" went... was told the rust in the other picture came from taking that off , and is not the frame.
Oh, btw. If anyone dm's me, include a email, and a name and / or screen name... I only get a text only e-mail, and no way to reply. I have my phone and web presence extremely newtered.