The link to the Facebook ad
Selling a 1990 e30 325ix. It’s automatic, AWD, with 212,000 miles on it. Car runs and drives, just not very well. Definitely needs work. Was hit in the rear driver side corner. Title is clean. Don’t know if I’m willing to actually work on it, so I’m seeing if anyone else would be interested. Message me for any additional info/pics. Price is $2500 OBO.

That seems high but I'm no expert on old Beemer prices
2/12/20 12:00 p.m.
e30s are rolling up quickly in price from what I've seen.
This is probably middle of the road now.
For a 325ix, that's on the low end. I've owned two of them, and I'm afraid if I ever picked another one up, I'd want to do a complete restoration on it.
The body kit they have makes a 325is look 100x better, but it's not a bolt on.
New Reader
2/13/20 9:23 p.m.
Looks like a good deal to me. Hard to find a low priced iX.