Okay you cheap "SHAVING CREAM" bunch, here is a deal you should not be able to pass up.
Roller MG Midgets and Sprites with full bodywork, suspension, steering, windshield or at least the frame, convertible top frame, and bad interiors.
No engine or transmission, no title, Bill of Sale.
Been sitting a long time but since this is Nevada they are not rusted out.
Three to choose from at $300.00 ea., or take the set for $800.00 FIRM.
Wire wheel or steel, first come gets choice.
May be able to find enough front sheet-metal to assemble a fourth wire wheel car, or take it without for a measly $200.00.
Yah yah, "Oh so far away......." Man up, or team up, and "Group buy"!
These are Spridgets, a decent trailer should hold two, and one more on the tow vehicle.
Lots of stock parts for "Recoup" once you start your build.
There have been very successful Ford 302 V8 and BOP 215 conversions done, EV (EWWW!), Suzuki's, Mazzzdaaa rotary, use your imagination.
Since these are production cars I believe "The rules" allow a pretty free hand for modifications.
I will get pics tomorrow if there is interest?
So, 3.5 "cars" total?
I mean, that's how the challenge Datsun roadster "class" started...
11/17/21 1:49 p.m.
Lots can be done to Spridgets. The no title thing is unfortunate. I hope someone grabs them from you.
Are any of them Bugeye?
The only Bugeye I have I am keeping, despite it formerly having a V8 in it.
Including those without front sheet-metal I think it could be up to six cars.
One is a rubber bumper car, apparently the RB cars have some advantage for engine swap due to a relocated steering rack.
No front metal, $200.00 Ea. Have too many for me to keep them all.
I am going to try to "Restore" (Driver-beater) a 1971.
All have been off the road for twenty years+, certain to be "Out of the system" by now.
All ex-CA cars.
Add in the two true roadsters that are NOT currently rollers and it's eight "Cars".
But I am not essentially giving away the true roadsters like the roll-up window cars.
So, Pictures?
Pitchers, please. I'm in San Jose so there is some potential here...
We wanna see the Bugeye too.
Bugeye is being a PITA, long trip to go get it and all my time is going to sorting Spridgets!
Spridget population got reduced today, seems someone decided that they could just help themselves, and took three of them. 
Still several left and I will try to get one of the better ones home in the morning.
Very small town, so unless they came from out of the area they will turn up, or, tweakers and scrap?
11/20/21 7:14 a.m.
Man that sucks! Sorry dude
Got two more dug out of the brush.
Two more after that, a Rubber Bumper 1500 engine car that includes drivetrain, and a wire wheel car with only 20K miles on it but no engine/trans.
Pictures please! I'm in SW Colorado
Finally got the blue Midget off the trailer so that I may bring more of these home.
Now I will set up more body parts for it and take more pics.
Okay, a few pics.
Orange car is the more complete with original front fenders but also the most rusty.
I have a decent hood and grill for it, frame is strait, I think I have a good windscreen for it.
No engine or transmission, no title. $300.00

Yellow car has some frame damage at the extensions forward of the main cross-member.
I have a good radiator support for it. Have decent fenders and hood too.
Pretty much rust free but some accident damage.
That nearly cherry Banjo steering wheel with minty horn button is actually worth about $200.00 by itself!
Being an earlier car it is simpler to work on, not sure of year but it is old enough that the VIN tag is still just screwed to a rail in the engine compartment. Transmission is NOT included.
Will sell for less than the value of parts, $400.00

Each car can be supplied with correct wheels.
And yes, I do have one set of Bugeye type hubcaps.
I am trying to resist keeping this steering wheel and column for yet another planned build, really trying to get down to only a meager seven cars/projects.

Today I learned where all the cherry fenders and maybe some hoods are stashed!
Have several strait grills to pull from storage too.
Have to make a separate deal on them.
They will make getting the rollers into shape much easier, might have to bump the prices a bit though.
Dug out the last two rollers but too late for pics.
The Rubber Bumper car is very strait, nearly complete, never wrecked, original paint, low(ish) mileage, steel wheels, with the 1500 engine and trans still in it.
Missing the rear bumper and tail lamps.
You want to get rid of that ballast anyway.
Have not been able to open the hood, want to see if the engine turns over before setting a price.
It occurs to me that I am going to have a spare '68 El Camino frame and rear axle.
Hmm, these were originally supposed to become "Gatsby" conversions............
Update time.
Finally got the hood open on the RB car, no engine in it after all.
But there is a frozen up lump for it if wanted. Transmission IS in it.
Still the straightest, most complete, and most rust free example left.
Missing the rear bumper and lights, but I have pieces to upgrade that.
Also finally noticed that the blue wire-wheel Midget is a Round Wheel Arch car.
That makes it pretty rare and desirable. Less than 30K miles and only light damage at the front.
Currently a rolling tub but I think I can supply enough front metal to make it complete.
I know it's the wrong time of year but I need to get some of these out of here, or fire up the smoke-wrench. 
Oh, and found two more Bugeye/Mk. 2 windshield frames.
I just spent the last 45 minutes working out how to build a 4.5 Ls engine to plant in this to make a EM car outta one....
I still dont have a trailer big enough and no room to put these.....
OK, you stumped me.
My acronym-ese is apparently weak, "EM Car"?
Maybe you can find a friendly neighborhood enabler?
RB Cars are said to be easier for engine conversions due to a relocated steering rack.
Autocross, E-Modified. There is a weight break in the rules if you can get a 4.5 OHV engine into the car. So, only a 1700# minimum than 1800 if you put a full size in there.
OK, so I throw in a set of early doors and you save another 70# without the side impact beams.
Or, build on the Blue 62 Midget roadster and add ballast where it helps.
Would weigh nearly identical to a Bugeye.
I'm just gonna say I'm lucky you are way too far away from me.
I'd be tempted to snag a car for a bike engine project and wire wheel bits for my Bugeye if you weren't.
One orange car sold pending payment.
Blue RWA car still available.