10/8/16 8:36 p.m.
Perfect commuter
I have found the ultimate car for that stressful commute! Never get cut off again!
"Or trade for backhoe"?? You can't make this stuff up. Or maybe it's just Texas....
Lol. Fuel economy, comfort, braking, handling and acceleration will hurt. In the dc metro area, it wouldn't work. These idiots will cut off a tractor trailer.
Armored Car
Not sure why...
Ad says:
We added an additional 3/8" plate 36" high down the drivers and passengers sides.
Stealthtercel wrote:
"Or trade for backhoe"?? You can't make this stuff up. Or maybe it's just Texas....
That line makes me think the must have first tried blowing a hole in the ground with this thing, then when that didn't work they decided maybe it's not the correct tool for the job.