Not this thing, unless you buy some wheels, and put in an engine.
AMF Sur-Trek for Eight Hundo in Michigan-
One with wheels on it, and an idea of how small you would have to be to actually be comfortable in one-
Not this thing, unless you buy some wheels, and put in an engine.
AMF Sur-Trek for Eight Hundo in Michigan-
One with wheels on it, and an idea of how small you would have to be to actually be comfortable in one-
There is a goofy bigfoot show (not the monster truck, the monster) where they used one (or maybe 2) of those things to traverse some swampy marshy area in search of ole' Squatch. They didn't find him that episode, but they were sure he was out there. I can't remember where the episode was, but I think it was either in MI or MN.
Never did understand all the fussing about some hairy big guy walking in the woods, come down where I live, we have a lizard man !
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