Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
8/27/24 2:26 p.m.

You mentioned earlier it was a Factory Five kit. That's good information, as Factory Five is the largest manufacturer of this style of kit and they're pretty well respected.

You might also have luck posting this in the Factory Five forum, as there will be a lot of specialized knowledge on the kit and overall values. They have a for sale section, where you'll find people looking for this specific car.

Classifieds for the Roadster:

jimmenzel New Reader
8/27/24 3:13 p.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner :

Keith - I was ordered by the family to wait until the auction was over, and remove the listing.  I oppose but do not know auction demands or requirements. I apologize especially to miata turbo, and appreciate the words of you 3 lead members.  Good guys! I will be back if the auction does not "do its job", so to speak.


Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner MegaDork
8/27/24 5:25 p.m.

Will the auction be in-person only or online? If the former, there might be a few people here interested in taking part.

jimmenzel New Reader
8/28/24 4:26 p.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner :

Keith - I will check re: the auction details with our family-auction group. It's on Set. 21, but I'll make sure you get more details. I've been a "bad boy" - interfering with their auction way of getting the kit sold.  I did not want to screw the auctioneer in any way, but we do need enough to cover for the expenses of our brother's burial services (tough Vietnam vet life).

jimmenzel New Reader
8/28/24 8:42 p.m.

In reply to Keith Tanner :

Keith, my reply #2 to you. You are more than welcome to make this available. I believe I should not personally sent this information to anyone other than you until necessary after the auction, or after a request followed by approval by a fellow family member.

Auctioneer:  Pientka Auction Services (

Contact Auctioneer 

Location of Auction:        10128 Harding Rd     Plainfield WI  54966          Near Plainfield/Almond Wisconsin East of Hwy 51/39

Date of Auction:  September 21

Vehicle:  UNFURNISHED KIT - 1965 Shelby Roadster Replica aka 1965 Replica Factory Five Roadster, 2 Door Mk3 Roadster 

Date of Purchase: 9/4/2009         Body Type: F5R1007050RD


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