Not just a very early 356, but one of only 242 Porsche 356 Cabriolets built by Gläser between 1950 and 1952.

According to period Kardex documentation, the Porsche was delivered new in Hamburg, Germany, to a publishing company located in the city.

Currently fitted with a 1300cc Type 506 e…
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Beautiful Car !
So on one hand, it's an early *Rare* model.
But the original engine has been replaced with something arguably "Better" ?
That does ruin the originality numbers matching claim to get Mo Money... or would that be overshadowed by the Gläser source ?
( What no Roll eyes smiley)
Actually, type 506 Porsche motor is from 1950/51 and was built for the 356 32 rather than 29 oops, my bad, KW, not hp
10% power bump, not bad. Being a Porsche, if they put that motor in it and delete a bunch of stuff, they could charge a 20% premium
That car is worth more than both my kidneys, so I can't even sell one to get it. Even the color scheme is fantastic.