What kind of vehicle would legendary comedian Bob Hope gift film actor John Wayne? Yes, it’s this manure spreader. But, it’s not any old spreader.

Ever hear of George Barris? Well, he’s the automotive customizer behind some of the most revered Hollywood vehicles, such as the Mu…
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Nice unit,
Looks like beautiful oak construction !
The seating area would be better suited to a more traditional Jersey brown cow hide.
I don't see any montion of how tall, it is , I don't think it would be able to get in the Garage ? Is the spreader gravity feed, or a shaking table setup ?
Does anyone the difference between cowboy boots and a farmers boots ?
I believe the manure is on the outside of the farmers boots ? 
In reply to Don2001l :
I'll admit it - you're testing the limits of my knowledge.
. As a kid, they took me to a farm in second grade. A farm in Queens. Yes, that Queens in New York. I'll have to cede the floor to someone more knowledgeable about this kind of equipment.