I autocrossed my 190 16v which has 60K on the clock and is bone stock, The Morgan was down for a displaced valve seat. I was only 1 sec behind a well sorted 2nd gen MR2 I was quite surprised that the car did that well.
I have really begun to appreciate this car for what it is, and what it isn't.
When I get home its due a valve clearance check. Well see if I feel the same after that...LOL
6/20/13 10:38 a.m.
nice work. I have alway loved those cars. My father bought one new in 1987 and drove it as his daily for 12 years.
My friend picked one up recently. Nice car. It's smaller than you'd think, too. (And I don't mean that in a bad way, but when parked next to a new Camry the 190E looked tiny.)
David, You are so right. I got a wife, a kid, and a dog that fit perfectly in the cabin and a trunk to carry everything...
I would say that the 190 series damn close to the perfect size.
Plus the Cossie engine and great handling and cool history.
My friend uses it as his kid-hauler. It's nice.
6/21/13 9:05 a.m.
Nice ride Leo,
That's pretty much how a feel about a Honda Civic or Molly's current ride a Honda Fit. Though it's a stick I still haven't thought about autocrossing it. 38mpg with two dogs, two people, and a ton of luggage aboard is the main deal here.
BTW: Glad to see you on the boards again. I haven't noticed your name here lately.
Not much for me to talk about...I try not to say(or type)anything stupid!
If you ever have the chance to drive a Cosworth 190 do it...Its a hoot.
6/21/13 9:30 a.m.
No I haven't, but I will try to.
Me too.
I remember that was the first Daimler that really got my attention. It's hard to find them with a manual transmission around here though.
cdowd wrote:
nice work. I have alway loved those cars. My father bought one new in 1987 and drove it as his daily for 12 years.
I think youll find most (but not all) 16 valvers equipped with a manual.
David S. Wallens wrote:
My friend picked one up recently. Nice car. It's smaller than you'd think, too. (And I don't mean that in a bad way, but when parked next to a new Camry the 190E looked tiny.)
Everything looks smaller these days. When I had the rental Focus, there was once a guy with an E30 next to me at a stoplight. They were about the same size.
Lovin' the Merc, Leo!
I must be seeing non 16v models then, as they all seem to have autotragics and the sellers don't know how many valves they have
Leo Basile wrote:
I think youll find most (but not all) 16 valvers equipped with a manual.
The easiest way to spot the 16 valvers are to look for the boy racer skirts and spoiler.
But all that stuff works, so says Karl and his wind tunnel.
Wasn't the 190 evo 2 the car that a BMW engineer said if the obnoxious rear wing works they'd need to go redesign the wind tunnel, and they did.
Im not sure which model he was referring to, but that's what was said. That's a great story.