I hope everyone's well. Since many of us have a little more time on our hands due to the virus precautions, I was wondering... Other than the never ending "honey do" list, are any of you doing any interesting car projects?
I'm doing "WFH" weekdays so I can at least keep up with the paperwork side of my job. But with so much closed, the weekend was mostly available. A year back I purchased a SS braided line to replace plastic oil pressure tube feeding my gauge, so that was the project. The engine end was no problem, but the gauge... Lets just say that the Sunbeam folks did not consider servicebility when laying out the Alpine/Tiger instrument panel. With the speedometer removed, even with my little hands, I could barely get a finger on the nuts on the gauge's hold down bracket.
After much time upside down under the panel, and, unusual for me, many rarely used combinations of naughty words, I got it back together... Only to realize that the new SS hose is quite stiff, resisting twisting so much that I couldn't rotate the gauge back to the proper alignment... It's pointing at about 1 o'clock. So it has to come out again next weekend to realign the hose adapter connections. But at least it will keep me off the streets.
So have you been spending any of your extra home time on any toy car projects?