I ran my "new" '69 MGB out to the Duryea Hillclimb in Reading, PA this past weekend.
320 miles in all.
Saw lots of "classics" (plus "moderns").
This is the maiden voyage for the B, other than a few short trips to the local MacDonalds. It's been on the road less than two weeks.
Anyway no problems.....I didn't have to use the duct tape and vise-grips I had in the trunk. 
Here are some pictures I took (below).
And ~HERE~ is a link to a lot more pictures. You may have to hit Refresh a few times to get the later ones on the link to load.
Feel free to forward to anyone who's car may be in the pictures.

8/18/08 11:28 a.m.
That old Jaguar 3.8S (I think that's what it is) is sweet. I hope it doesn't have a SBC in it...
Naw....it has a nice Jag motor.
Lady drives it.
I think her husband was racing a Mini in the event.
New Reader
8/18/08 12:06 p.m.
Very nice pics, thanks. This event always really appeals to me.
Just to feel it out, a few weeks ago on a late weekend afternoon I drove over to the Pagoda in my Supra and drove up the hill a couple times...I was very surprised at how tight the turns are. I can only imagine what a challenge it would be at higher speeds.
8/19/08 6:15 a.m.
Sway barz...
I needs dem.
The Jag lady's hubby (and her as well) usually race a green MGA.
Yeah...that's why I included that one. 
I think it would be impossible for my race-Spridget to lift the rear wheel off the ground (I get a front wheel off once in a while).
He probably has sticky tires, stock springs and spaghetti front bar (or none).
Ian F
8/22/08 8:27 a.m.
From what Sue has told me, they race either the Jag or the MGA... depending on which one isn't broken... which means they often are only racing the MINI (the blue/white car that had the run-in with the hay)...