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racerdave600 Reader
3/24/10 8:03 a.m.

I hear you Dimeadozen. I found out my '71 had been hit in the right rear at some point and also considered selling it and moving to a better car, but although it has some rust, it's not as bad as many I looked at. I know may make it more of a driver though and mod it more than I had planned.

One thing I started doing recently was adding a white board and posting what I would like to accomplish in the coming week. Somehow it's easier when you have to stare at every time you walk into the garage! I'm still in the dismantling stage though, so I have a LONG way to go.

Gary Reader
8/2/10 2:18 p.m.

I thought I’d resurrect this thread. I want to thank the Kaptain for starting it because it was just what I needed to get motivated. I’ve already done more this garage-season than any other year since 2002 when I first picked up my Spitfire. I updated my task list, decided what I could really get done this year, put in every task and milestones regardless of how minor into logical sequential order, have tried to devote as much time as is practical to it each week, and have been diligent about it. It’s meant less play time, i.e. fewer weekend afternoons touring the back roads of Southern New England in my Miata. But work on the Spitfire is definitely progressing. And besides weekend afternoons in the garage I try to get out there at least 2-3 nights during the week even if it’s only for a minor task (instead of plopping my butt in a lawn chair with a beer and reading a car magazine like I’m predisposed to do). The detailed task list is the key to my motivation and I continue to refine the list for this season’s goals. Every task and milestone accomplished puts me one step closer to driving the car next season. And even though I still check CL and other classifieds every day to see what else is out there, I’m serious about not taking on another project until this one is done. That’s what‘s working for me. Is anybody else back on track with their projects? How about you, Kaptain?

KaptKaos Reader
8/2/10 8:15 p.m.

Thanks for the kind words Gary.

I went out to tune the carbs on the 914 Sunday, as I had promised myself I would.

Things were progressing pretty well, when the car sputtered and died. It wouldn't restart. I waited, thinking it was flooded by my adjusting for rich to lean and back. No dice. I pulled all of the plugs, one was fouled. Cleaned it up, still no joy.

I see the fuel squirting into the carbs. I checked the ground strap under the trans. I pulled a plug wire, and there is no spark.

So either my coil died or the Pertronix bit the dust. I am betting pertronix. My friend Mark is bringing a multi-meter by tomorrow and we'll see where the juice stops. I really need to pick one of those up.

On another topic, my alternator conversion for my 122 seems to be working nicely. I need to make another bracket of slightly thicker metal for the bottom and fab a new, thicker one for the top as there is too much wiggle going on, but it's working well for now.

So yeah, I've been busy too =) But I am going on vacation next week to the northwoods. No cars, just fishin'.


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