Anyone have cool plans tonight involving your classic car?
For years Tim and I took the kids trick-or-treating in the Model A, complete with a skeleton zip-tied to the front grille and a werewolf masks on all. Fun, even though it can be hard to climb into a rumble seat wearing a costume.
Nowadays, sadly, the kids are "too old" to go trick-or-treating... which means they just go do it anyway, but without the parents!
New Reader
10/31/08 8:06 a.m.
I'll be giving out candy....while delivering pizzas. My boss says we can wear costumes, as long as we are still able to remain recognizable as "Company X" pizza delivery drivers. Since we also aren't allowed to wear masks, that pretty much limits us to mild face painting.
If you wore masks, no one would be able to tell you apart from the pizza-deliver-guy muggers.
We get so few trick-or-treaters that I've considered going mobile. Walk along and pass candy out as I go ...
I don't know what it is that keeps the kids away from our block - maybe its being on a cul-de-sac? It's a good neighborhood, streetlights, houses look nice, jack-o-lanterns visible from the corner ...
It couldn't be my Valiant. Could it?
I hide my sportscar in the garage from any possible trickery.
We have the puppies dressed up and are receiving a steady stream of kids.

New Reader
11/1/08 7:45 a.m.
Went to my bank yesterday, the tellers were dressed as Dalmations (sp?) and their boss as Cruella DeVille.
Didn't Cruella DeVille drive an MG?