When you see someone struggling with a project car, what’s the usual response? Make them feel even worse about their predicament? Give ’em a little kick when they’re down–you know, just a little good-natured public ribbing? Or how about waiting them out so you can scoop up t…
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That was a really fun day. I'm excited for the next one.
I am really happy to get this project pointed in the right direction again thanks to everyone. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and am excited to finally get the car on the road.
Yarp, totally cool seeing everyone to work together.
Nice story, good project! It seems like so many projects stall out, when a little friendly assistance like this might be just what is needed to regain motivation and momentum.
I'll bet I am not the only one looking forward to seeing that Beetle soon!
Now I need to go freshen up the to-do list for my wife's Midget...
Over the weekend I was able to chip away at a few small things and start organizing to get some biger projects knocked out. I am trying to spend atleast an hour every day working on the car and that seems to be going well so far.
In reply to ChrisTropea :
Rock on and eager to see the progress the next time we’re over.
Update: The interior is mostly complete and the exterior trim is installed. Making more progress on this project one step at a time.
In reply to Chris Tropea :
That's awesome. Looking forward to more updates!