It started out as someone's back up Indy car I'm guessing a March about 1985? Surprisingly it went unused the whole season. And very little use until it was sold off with spares but no engine.
Then it sat trying to find a buyer. Eventually sold to a enthusiast for modest money. Who stuffed a small block Chevy in where a Cosworth had originally sat. Minor damage from a few track events knocked corners off but still no serious damage and they were decently repaired.
My friend got it about 15 years ago with the intention of stripping it and using the pieces to build a vintage Can Am. At that point it was a collection of pieces neatly boxed up. He died a few years ago but no one knows what happened to it. I was over to his house yesterday trying to follow up but the new owners don't know anything about who got or took care of his estate. None of the various local clubs have any information
I'm out of ways to try to chase this down.
Any of you have any suggestions?
If it was an old Indy car chassis, I'd head over to TrackForum. There are plenty of old school guys on there who have stupid knowledge on Indy car and teams history. Some worked for teams. Beware, there are some entrenched opinions over there, and I'm not sure they've bought into these new fangled rear engined cars yet.
If 85 is accurate looks like mostly march 85C or Lola T900s used with a sprinkling of older chassis around. Any other pics or colors or names you can share?
The only car with a local Minnesota connection I can think of was the Wildcat chassis with a school bus engine that Roger Rager drove at Indy in 1980. I didn't know he just recently died, on February 16.
I don't think it's that one if Frenchy remembers cosworth power.
Here was a SBC march 87 sold a bit ago in Oklahoma but mentions period race history.
Another here which was noted to be a road course spare prior to being swapped for a SBC