Those of you who were road race fans back in the late ‘60’s and early 70’s might be interested in the republication of a book I’d meant to buy back in the day, but somehow never did. And now I don’t have to.
The book is “The Stainless Steel Carrot” by Sylvia Wilkinson, which chronicles the exploits of John Morton and the BRE team back in the golden days of the Trans Am series. Along with the original material, there’s an added chapter catching up with the origiinal cast of characters. There’s also added photography, which brings us to why I no longer have to purchase a copy.
Back in the spring, the book’s publisher Googled his way across the internet, looking for new material, and came across my photos from the ’72 Lime Rock Trans Am, ancient slides I’d recently copied and put on line. I’m proud to say a couple of my photos from that day are included in the new volume.
My compensation? A copy of the book autographed by John Morton and Sylvia Wilkinson, which arrived today. And then there’s that really cool feeling you get when something like this happens…
Check it out at: