Cars and Coffee in Louisville KY? I thought that was the second Saturday of the month.
Sorry should have been more specific....
louisville/laffeyette Colorado.
You may have to get an air permit for that thing.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
6/4/10 9:44 a.m.
That's cool. Please post some pictures of it!
PROGRESS!!! check the link for video of the
trabant's maiden voyage around the block!
brakes work, master cyl fixed... check balls were
left out
... now only about a half million kinks
to work out and were off!
"Hopefully the brakes work!"
Nice work. Congrats.
Don't you put a muffler on that car, it sounds GREAT!!!
Two strokes will make more power with a 'tuned pipe' on them, not sure how easy that is to manage in a car though.
Walking around Seattle two years ago, saw three of them parked in the same residential block. One was a wagon. Someone here might know the story.
Outstanding! Watching it pass the Expedition was priceless. Sounds great, but libel to make you deaf. Cool Car!