RandyS Reader
9/11/12 10:01 a.m.

Who made/makes this C3 Corvette fixed headlight conversion in the grill


MadScientistMatt SuperDork
9/11/12 12:28 p.m.

Probably homemade. Doesn't look like it would really take a kit to accomplish that.

RandyS Reader
9/11/12 3:22 p.m.

well I don't know if it is a kit or a DIY but I've seen at least 4 over the years. As far back as 1981. All I have seen have a chrome bezel/surround for the lights so it is either a kit or repurposed lighting from another car model. Any know any details.

Rukh None
9/21/12 10:20 a.m.

The headlights in the first pic scream "80s-era GM Sedan" to me. Perhaps the lights and surround came off of something like a Caprice. I wonder about the front clip though. Is it a new piece without headlight doors, or did they shave the doors and smooth it over themselves?

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