The oil light came on in my sisters 05 matrix. Rather than stop right away she drove it for an undisclosed amount if time( minutes not days). She eventually stopped and put four quarts in( dip stick was bone dry). She claims the engine sounds fine but the oil light won't go off. Is it possible she caught it soon enough to save the motor but it damaged the sensor for the oil sending unit?
Doubt it, the sender switches on and off every time you start the engine. I bet it has a real good rattle now.
I'm sure it does. I don't get how people not check their oil. She called my dad for help but then wouldn't listen when he told her to park it. She said she didn't have time. Ha! You'll have to make time when your motor locks up.
Also possible the oil sender has a ruptured diaphragm, and that's where the oil went. Or, it could be 3 1/2 quarts overfull now too.
Bring the revs up,light goes out mystery solved.
Begin shopping for another engine or another car.
She ended up going to a pepboys of all places and she was two quarts over. Draining and filling with the correct amount of oil. We will see what happens next. No updates as of now.
those dipsticks suck. Hard to read if it's the same one as an mr2