8/25/19 7:51 a.m.
We have a 2014 Grand Cherokee with the 3.6.
After starting the vehicle after sitting for a while, the brake pedal will drop some and get hard to stop the vehicle. It also have a gas smell outside during this time.
I am guessing its a purge solenoid. But before I throw parts at it I thought I should ask the hive. Oh, and no codes are showing up, although I havent plugged in the scanner.
8/26/19 2:03 p.m.
Anyone experience this before? Bump for the workday crowd.
Chrysler can’t keep rubber hoses alive for more than 5 minutes exposed to any radiant heat source.
8/26/19 6:00 p.m.
RossD said:
After starting the vehicle after sitting for a while, the brake pedal will drop some and get hard to stop the vehicle.
It may be a red herring to the gas smell, but this seems like an important bit, and could use some clarification.
How do you mean "hard to stop the vehicle"; Like it takes more leg effort? And when you say the pedal drops, as in you've got your foot on it and it falls? How far?
'Cause while vacuum is involved in sucking those gas vapors back in, and it's involved in power brakes (unless this has some other modern-vehicle hydraulic assist mayhem), the pedal dropping sounds like the opposite of failing to get brake assist, and yet the hard to stop sounds like EITHER lack of vacuum assist, OR mechanical/hydraulic brake issues.
I'm wondering whether you've got a dying purge solenoid or other leak in the emissions/vaccuum stuff, and a dying master cylinder.
RossD said:
Oh, and no codes are showing up, although I havent plugged in the scanner.
So what... The check engine light isn’t on? That don’t mean there’s no codes ... there can be codes without a cel
correct me if I’m wrong....
8/27/19 9:23 a.m.
No CEL. But havent check for codes.
The brake pedal will drop a bit towards the floor but not all the way, and it gets harder to stop the vehicle. Like if you werent expecting it, it could give you a panic moment as you push harder. After running for 30 seconds, it fine.
I thought I had the recall done on the brake master/booster already. I have a current recall I need to look what that is.
that sounds like a booster failure.