I have a non-running, in pieces '87 VW gti( hatchback, 1.8 8V motor, body in good shape... ). B/c I spend too much time on the CL, I found this:
Having made a promise to only have one project car at a time, and having a goal of using it as a DD/autocross/ HPDE car, is the mk2 jetta a good choice and is this a good price? This model is pretty rare in that it has the 2.0L 16V motor found in the later gti's, passat's, and has been compared to a poor man's bmw.
I have emailed the owner and he called back, but has a heavy accent that I can't really understand on my voicemail. So, I'll still probably call him back and try to setup a look-see.
What do you guys think? Offer him $500 and call it a day??
I saw an all-original GLI with the nice Recaros, etc for $1200 on CL locally last winter. If you are up for an engine swap, I say go for it.
12/16/09 7:32 p.m.
Are you sure it's a 16V? If it is, and it has Recaros, it's worth the $900.
8V and no Recaros = $300 car
"the ac dont work the little heat pump or i dont know it name is broked"
maybe THAT's why "going 70 mph in the freeway it smokes"?
12/16/09 7:38 p.m.
I think $500 would be a fair starting offer. That's a horrible picture to sell a car with. Where is that picture from anyway? It hasn't snowed anywhere near here this year, haha.
How far away from completion is your GTI?
M030 wrote:
Are you sure it's a 16V? If it is, and it has Recaros, it's worth the $900.
8V and no Recaros = $300 car
Strange. That's exactly what I paid for mine. 
12/16/09 8:44 p.m.
I sold my '91 GLi for $750 in 2004. The flex pipe off of the header was cracked open nice 'en wide and the shifter linkage was all f'ed up.
I liked it and it was fun to drive. I was told that the GLi had a close ratio gear box too. It seemed like it did since I never got anything above mid 20s for mileage.
i miss my GLI, rust and CIS montronic electrical gremlins took it away.
I haven't done anything to the gti in a few months. W/ the new manager at the house( 3month old... ) I haven't even been outside to do anything. No oil changes, no leaves raked, nothing. It's kinda depressing actually. I was hoping that this would be a running daily, that I could do the daily stuff as I had time. I had planned on doing the timing belt and sorting out the "smoking around 70" later. figured it was a digi issue or something "basic" like that.
@Carson -- that pic has to be atleast a year old. We got a few inches last Jan, right??