So yesterday I dragged home a '79 Mercedes Benz 300TD for $200. It supposedly had oil starvation issues but I don't know if I believe that so the plan is to first put a few pieces back on the motor and see what is wrong.

Also the inside was full of stuff including two Fiero seats, some Ham radio stuff, a Simpson 5-point harness, a helmet bag and a pair of Red Wings in my size.
4/8/12 11:46 a.m.
I hate you. That's less than half what I paid for the sales tax on my new wagon. Can't you probably run one of these things without oil for a couple of months and just put some in and it's fine?
4/8/12 12:47 p.m.
If you need a motor, let me know.
I am considering removing the 300TD from the diesel Miata and dropping in a rotary.
Needs a 24 valve Cummins.
I love these things. Great snag!
Luck to find one so cheap. In california the state will pay $1200 for a running one to scrap it. I looked at one of those that needed a new engine, transmission and suspension rebuild, but it still drove so it was still worth $1200 (but not to me).
Dr. Hess wrote:
What kind of Ham gear?
A lot of coax cable and some little thing that said something about 10m, 20m, etc. The guy that was with me said it was Ham radio stuff.
Old coax isn't really worth much. The good stuff had a 10 year shelf life before it would start to break down. Not sure if the newer stuff is any better. It is useful to strip down for the braid to ground stuff, and it would still probably be better than the crap they sell for TV these days.
What is the little thing that said something about 10m, 20m...?
Dr. Hess wrote:
What is the little thing that said something about 10m, 20m...?
It was a cylinder about 6-8in long with a port for a coax connection at the bottom.
Oh. Probably a Balun. Balanced-Unbalanced line feeder, typically for a dipole antenna. No idea what they sell for these days.
From Ben's garage sale?
Boy, you seriously have auto ADD. You keep buying cars you won't be able to fix them all. How many does this make now? 4 plus the dd? Can't wait to see what you do with it though.
Admittedly the biggest thing keeping me from doing that is no room to put them. Plus SWMBO expects some kind of progress on anything I have.
You are 400$ for a good used engine away from having a great car and gas saver, that sucker probably get 25mpg+.
Good luck with it!
wlkelley3 wrote:
From Ben's garage sale?
Boy, you seriously have auto ADD. You keep buying cars you won't be able to fix them all. How many does this make now? 4 plus the dd? Can't wait to see what you do with it though.
In my defense I have nothing better to do.
I am just getting this one running and that is it.
93EXCivic wrote:
I am just getting this one running and that is it.
That's what they (we) all say.

Is this the stock radio? There is a cassette deck in the glove box...
I think that looks like the stock Becker.
Are you gonna run it on veggie oil???? (I had to ask, you understand right?)
Dr. Hess wrote:
What kind of Ham gear?
Thank you for reassuring me that I'm not the only one who had that thought.
But then again, I'm biased.

Also, nice Merc! I've thought of getting my hands on one of those and doing a grease conversion.
SVreX wrote:
If you need a motor, let me know.
I am considering removing the 300TD from the diesel Miata and dropping in a rotary.
Ha, the original plan before the Gainesville crazies affected me.
Sucks that it has the ACII system, good luck getting that one working. The becker is the stock radio and you can either send it off or DIY and add an mp3 input.
Just find a good used engine and rock and roll!
4/10/12 7:50 a.m.
The climate control system, it tends to be a bitch.
4/10/12 7:51 a.m.
Later ones looked like this and were much less problematic.