Came in with the expansion tank blown up. Replaced it but it is still overheating.
What say you all? Thermostat or water pump? Car has 180k and looks to have had service when needed. It has a couple small dents and scuff's. Interior looked really nice.
The next question is what I it worth? The owner was grumbling about selling it or parting it out ir something.
I looked it up and this has the v8. Could I be as simple as the water pump impeller is one of those plastic ones?
750 should have the V12.
A 740 or 745 would be the V8
Either way, KBB is a pretty good reference point for value.
Kbb 3500 I was thinking of offering 1k as is.
I looked it up and I am betting it I a 2006 as the 750i had the 4.8l v8. The owner was not a car person. He did not know anything about it and purchased new. He flat out told me that. He said he liked how it drives so he purchased it.
BMWs need the thermostat, water pump, radiator and expansion tank replaced like clockwork every 100k. They run a very high cooling system pressure relative to other makes and models which is why stuff like this happens. If the 100k replacement was never done or cheap Chinese parts were used, everything should be replaced.
Add head gaskets to the list. These motors are "one and done" when they are overheated. With that number of miles it's also time to freshen the heads.
The bottom end should be fine but "if" the oil pan gasket is leaking and you drop the front cross member it's a great time to change the rod bearings,wire tie the oil pump nut, change the leaking power steering hoses and fluid reservoir.
In reply to pointofdeparture:
I thought they dropped the cooling system pressures in 2004. I know the earlier V8's used a 2 bar cap and they later dropped it back down to 1.2 bar
In reply to dean1484:
Don't discount the fact that it may still need to be properly bled. My 540i takes about a week to actually get all of the air out of the cooling system.
Is it bled properly? These cars are sensitive to air bubbles in the cooling systems.
Mazdax605 wrote:
Kill it with fire!!!!
This looks to be the correct answer. I just learned that the transmission is also slipping.
Motor overheated that in tern probably overheated the trans?
dean1484 wrote:
Motor overheated that in tern probably overheated the trans?
is the transmission cooler part of the radiator? then probably...
Sooooo 6.0 LS swap with 4L80?
Run_Away wrote:
Sooooo 6.0 LS swap with 4L80?
And one of those just showed the driveway.
Lets see I wonder how much weight you would loose if you gutted a 750i. Put LS power in it and go hooning.
7/28/16 7:53 p.m.
Love the hooning of the Luxor barge idea...