Finally got the software I needed to start digging through the 3+ hours of video I shot at the Challenge. It is going to take me a while to cull through all the tapes and edit them down for posting. My goal is to merge all videos by car number so that they can be found easily on YouTube. I can't say that my panning technique was always smooth but I tried to get as much action as I could. Hopefully I can also do a sound bite mix from some of the classic PA announcements.
Here are links to the first two videos I did tonight. These were actually shot on my Sony digital camera and not the GL1 I used for everything else. These two videos were from the end of the Friday autocross when I had run out of video tape and resorted to the other camera.
Car 75 (Gutty CRX) Autocross run
More links will be posted here as I get them done and uploaded...