8/29/24 2:21 p.m.
So I've gone ahead and ordered a new actuator for my fit but currently the drivers door will not open. The others all open via manual unlocking from the inside.
The drivers just grinds when pushing the button and the internal switch and key don't move at all.
I've taken off the door panel (moderately difficult with out being able to open the door) and tried moving the cable directly from behind but not getting anything.
I've watched this video for the replacement option but that hinges on being able to open it first.
I've tried to get at this pin but can't really get any leverage on it
Any other obvious tips I'm missing?
If you can see the actuator rods from the inner and outer door handle, pull them and watch what gets moved on the latch mechanism. Once you figure out what direction the internal lever is moved by the link, push it the other way.
If you have a new latch, look carefully at it, to learn what moves.
Most of the time, the door won't unlock because the latching lever has not returned to its rest position.
As an aside, berkeley Honda lock tumbler quality. I'd bet 95% of the door or ignition lock work we do is Honda.
8/30/24 8:51 p.m.
So I've got the new actuator, the cables here need to push in to unlock, the two that do locks just flex/kink and don't move. Pushing any of the buttons on fob or door panel just makes a loud grinding sound. The window guide post needs to be move (possibly window removed), outer door handle removed, and 3 screws only accessible with door open to be removed to replace.
Right. The link you want to find has nothing to do with the cables, unless one is seized and holding the door opening actuator above its rest position. There will be an internal lever that moves the latching lever.
I'd cut off the cables, lose the electric motor, all the plastic covers, and see what's what.
This is really hard to describe with words. I need to point at stuff for you.
8/30/24 8:58 p.m.
No worries, better pic of the unit, I actually just have the white part.
The silver link s the actuator rods from the outer door handle. Move that lever on the new one, and find the internal stuff that it actuates, then make the lever old one get back to that position.
8/30/24 9:04 p.m.
Lol, I need to find it again but I think I did watch a video earlier where a guy did just that, I thought there was a better way but he took a hole saw, cut through the door, cut open the box, and levered the lock up with a screw driver.
And, it's entirely possible I'm wrong. In that case, figure out how to grind enough of the old one off to get to the actuator link. It will take a while...
Door panel already off, already have a new actuator, just can't get the door open to replace it?
Prybar against the plastic body of the old actuator and hammer the end of the prybar. Smash open the old part, something is likely jammed up inside (stuck halfway between lock and unlocked or something). Once it's broken apart you should be able to move things enough to unlatch and open the door to continue on with replacement.
8/30/24 10:14 p.m.
Best i can tell, inside cable moves this mechanism, pulling towards front unlocks
Then outside key lock turns this part, which moves lever up and down (red)
8/30/24 10:21 p.m.
Haven't found the video again but what I recall, he drills from inside and must be flipping the switch in first pic.
So took another crack at it and most of what is exposed on the aftermarket actuator is completely covered in plastic on the OEM Honda one. Will probably bust it open but any final suggestions?
9/5/24 11:22 p.m.
Success! Able to break it apart enough to get through to the lever circled in red above. Pushing that down with a screw driver while my wife pulled the handle from the outside got it to open. Just pushing the lever down would spring back lock if you relaxed any. Pulled it out and whatever is broken is not at all evident from a glance, pulled the cover to remove the cables and tried pushing directly and no budge so something internal is busted. What a dumb design that there's no internal override. I am impressed that the cheap plastic has lasted over 250k of use though.