Want to sign up for the Challenge but are miffed at this newfangled "stamp" and "envelope" technology? Get kicked out of the Post Office for showing up in your BVDs? Hot-glued your telephone to your car for a Jim Croce "Operator" theme? Now you can sign up for the Challenge without ever speaking to anyone or putting on pants.
Go to the store and buy your entry fees there. https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/store/merchandise/
The standard fee is for one car and one person. Don't forget to buy enough additional entrant fees for all your teammates.
Then all you have to do is fill out the two forms on this page and send them in to us. You can still send those forms in any way you'd like, but we do accept them by fax (hello, 1994) and email. Send your forms in to debbie@grassrootsmotorsports.com.