That's right, prize money. Dollars. In your pocket. eBay Motors be makin' it rain for all y'all.
If you win the Challenge, eBay Motors will give you a hundred bones. But that's the small-fry prize.
There will be a random drawing for the big bucks at the Challenge. Any team in attendance is eligible to win a $2012 eBay Motors merchandise credit. Scrounge up some couch change and you've got the entire build budget for a car for next year.
So, how's that build coming?
Don't forget to sign up, fill out your forms, pay your fees and so on. Go here:
Entry form still not working for me. 
8/22/12 3:44 p.m.
Holy crap! Nice to see some dollaz for the winners! To clarify, is the "drawing" like a one-per-car-entered kind of thing, or is it for everybody in attendance? The way you worded it above sounds like everybody present can enter.
Unfortunately, I hadn't planned on coming this year...tough to justify coming from the West Coast. Hopefully I'll be returning next year to keep my odd-years theme going.
Nevermind we're good now. What's the deadline for entry?
Deadline for entry is September 14, about two weeks prior to the event.
I paid online an sent an email with my info...anyway to check and see if everything is a-ok?
Now I need to go. I've had great luck with prize drawings (2 slot car tracks and a BMW Motoraports jacket) in the past.
8/22/12 10:05 p.m.
Ho-le-chit! That adds some fun :D
Well played GRM, well played. claps
Spread the wealth EBAY buy a keg of beer

Nice work GRM peeps...seriously, thats pretty friggin cool.
Nashco wrote:
To clarify, is the "drawing" like a one-per-car-entered kind of thing, or is it for everybody in attendance? The way you worded it above sounds like everybody present can enter.
I just checked with the decision-makers. It's one entry per team. Will remove any ambiguity from original post.
miatame wrote:
I paid online an sent an email with my info...anyway to check and see if everything is a-ok?
Send an email to or give us a call at 386-239-0523.
Sent my form in,made my reservation and this time the car is running!!!! Been driving it for a week, working out a few minor bugs but Bessie is very happy because I fixed the a/c. I was warned in advance no a/c and she no go. But for $2012 in prize money...uh....maybe I could disable it?