I don't know how much (if any) my bitching last year had to do with it, but thanks SO much for keeping the ads off the days on the calendar! I'm so excited I get to use this calendar again!
Yeah, I know. It's pitiful I'm so happy about this, but now I get racecars in the kitchen!
We do listen, honest! I like the 2014 calendars, too. Now I can finally get that ugly Easter Seals thing off my wall. Thanks, JG!
Thanks again for being awesome. I just renewed my subscription, and convinced a coworker of mine to sign up as well. 
Thanks for including a pick of the Mach 1.5 for the second year! I'm a legend in my own mind 
November is now my favorite month. This might replace the Tiki Bar TV Lala calendar in the garage.
Okay, it'll supplement it.
looks great!. I especially appreciated the stickers I got in mine for being one of the top dorks around here
Calendar is AWESOME....I also want this years MITTY poster, looks sharp
Calendars are out already? All I got was this lump of coal! 
12/19/13 7:06 p.m.
the local postmistress said she'd get mine to me when she's through with it 
The Z is the best, yes I will argue all evening how nice the Z is.
The video of the Z is sweet too. 
Dave Scholz is my hero - he is the wing beneath my wings. 