Angrymike's proposed rules amendments, in the interest of attracting more entrants, increasing interest in the event, making it more accessible, and, most importantly, selling more magazines:
Follow the LeChump model for prizes. I think everyone who's done the thing would agree that the REAL winner is the Challenger's Choice recipient, as well as the Spirit of the Event award. Therefore:
1. Make Challenger's Choice the "BIG PRIZE" 4 - tires, $500 in ebay bucks, or hell, $1000 cash as worked into the entry fee. Overall still gets a killer prize; again, set of tires, cash, whatever. But Challenger's Choice is the big payday. I may be way off here, but I would assume the guys that attend the Challenge are a good cross-section of the people who buy your magazine. Some are into the crazy fabrication. Some (like me) are not anywhere near as smart or talented as Andy Nelson, and love seeing cheap, easy power tricks and cool themes. Let the competitors decide what's interesting and cool, as they are your readers.
2. ELIMINATE THE ONLY SUBJECTIVE PORTION; THE CONCOURS. This was, and still is the most mind-boggling thing as a first time Challenger, as a READER, AND as a long time Challenger; ordering copies of past Challenge mags, and going through the results saying "WHAT THE berkeley ARE THEY LOOKING FOR???"
When we showed up with the A-hole car, we thought maybe the theme would score us some concours points. Nope. (Note to other challengers, do not get drunk and start harassing the staff asking them "WHAT THE berkeley ARE YOU LOOKING FOR???") My eternal humble apologies. I was "that guy" in 04.
When we did finally bring a good looking car, we started that build less than 2 months before the Challenge, halfway through another build, because the Civic came up for free in a "get it the berkeley out today" frenzy.
The EXHAUSTING amount of detail work didn't leave any time for fabrication. As such, we were stuck buying off the shelf stuff, which we then caught E36 M3 for from both the judges and other competitors, as we had too many "bolt-ons." Trust me. Given the time, we would've done a lot more ourselves and not taken $500 worth of budget-hit for a E36 M3ty ebay header, plumbing, and intercooler.
AT_EVERY_CHALLENGE, your entrants are going around to each other and saying "We got berkeleyed on the concours. What the berkeley are we doing wrong?" I was asked this a couple years ago and had to say "We've been doing this for a while now, and I still have no berkeleying clue."
Apparently we pissed in Steven Cole Smith's cheerios at some point, as he's always given us scores WAY below the other two judges. It's frustrating to put that much work into something, and then get berkeleyed because of what I must assume is some kind of personal vendetta.
Hell. Two separate years, only 2 of the 3 judges LOOKED AT THE berkeleyING CAR.
THEN to have Tim (whom I love, and respect, and appreciate everything he's done for us - for real,) say that the cars last year were much more "Real word" and not painted and polished works of art, is a real kick in the teeth, as if we really WANTED to spend countless hours making a turd look nicer than anything any of us daily-drive.
If the intent of the concours is to have good looking cars for the magazine, most guys will make their E36 M3 look good enough to photograph regardless. Others will bring "Rats," which guys like me are more interested in looking at and reading about anyway. Put it this way: AT LEAST a few people will bring good looking cars - enough that you'll have something to put on the cover. Personally, I think the Isetta, the Rat Ghia, Condor's Rat BMW, et al, are the best looking cars that have ever showed up. I'd be much more likely to pick up the mag in the grocery store if one of those cars was on the cover than if I saw something painted and polished and pretty.
Whew. Rant over. The concours berkeleying sucks. Everyone hates it. IT STOPS SOME PEOPLE FROM ENTERING THE EVENT, AND OTHERS FROM COMING BACK. Get rid of it.
NOW, if the intent of the Concours is to judge creativity and engineering, then "Challenger's Choice" taking the top prize remedies this.
If the intent is to award "BullE36 M3 Points," then read on.
3. IF there is going to be a subjective scoring portion, make it BS judging. Appease the "I'm not winning so everyone else must be cheating" whiners, and do BS inspection. Deduct points in the dynamic scoring. Easy peasy. Have the cars parked somewhere (downtown Gville is a pretty berkeleying cool place) and have the judges go car to car asking questions about specific items. Have the competitors point to pics, receipts, tell tall tales, etc. I can go either way on this one, but maybe Readers would find the whole thing more believable. I dunno.
4. NO WHINING It's really that simple! Upset that you were too berkeleying lazy to get your ass out of bed and to the track before it got rained out? TFB. Tell your psychiatrist. Don't pitch a fit and get the legitimate winner who was there when the gates opened kicked off the podium. You know who you are. I don't know who you are, or I'd call you out directly.
That's all I got. Make the tech inspections a LITTLE more intensive so no one gets hurt.
I don't mind the tire rule. It stops the berkeleying whining that guys like us who look at craigslist and solo message boards EVERY berkeleyING DAY looking for cheap E36 M3 are cheating. I'm still going to buy scrubbed tires at 1/2 price or less. You guys with deep pockets do whatever the berkeley you want. Bet my car's lighter and dances around the cones better. 
STOP with the silly "This class and that class" bullE36 M3. The people who get all "I can't do it" can kiss my ass. None of us have shops. None of us are mechanics. I have air but use hand tools 99% of the time anyway. Every car we've ever built has been 90% disassembled and re-assembled outdoors. Cry me a berkeleying river. You're not not Andy Nelson because you lack fancy tools. You're not Andy Nelson because there's only one Andy Nelson. Stop whining, man up, adapt and overcome.
Last note: If there's going to be a concours, make it suck less. This sitting in the baking sun for 4 hours to have only 2 of 3 judges look at the car is berkeleying retarded. No microphones. No presentations. Do it LeMons downtown Kershaw style. Park the cars in Gville. We dudes & chicks will support the local bars while one sucker gets left to sit with the car and go over it with the judges.
LAST LAST NOTE: If you haven't been to the Challenge, please come. It's an awesome group of talented people. Everyone is friendly. Everyone wants to tell you about their car, and show you how they did it so cheaply. If you're reading the magazine going "These guys are all billionaire mechanics with million dollar shops," you're wrong. 99% of us are middle class regular dudes with regular jobs and families. I'll buy the beer!!! Just clean up after yourself when you're done, you filthy pigs.