New Reader
9/26/16 12:51 p.m.
For those who are arriving at Rallycross Nationals early, there's talk of an informal get together Thursday night at MB2 karting in Grimes. Why not start off your racing weekend with more racing! If you're thinking of going, let me know. There's a Groupon to save a few bucks too.
9/27/16 5:22 p.m.
Looks like I'm not picked to be in the top 5 for MR. Good news since I wasn't picked in 2014 either and that turned out well for me.
Bee's biggest competitor is always his own head, I'm not sure getting called out is a favorable thing.
Like I said though, the supercharger and Fox suspension have radically transformed that wrinkled piece of former Miata.
Glad to see Dustin on the list. He has actual real rally tires for the first time ever. I'm not 100% sure the Corolla can keep up, but it is an extremely fun car both to watch and drive.
And Bob. Has anyone collected more podiums without a first? Can he keep it together? The CRX is getting close to the end of it's life. We had to weld it back together to finish an event already once this year.
And nobody notices Evan until he wins, why is that?
9/27/16 6:46 p.m.
mazdeuce wrote:
And nobody notices Evan until he wins, why is that?
Probably because I do a lot of losing between wins.
Obviously Evan is in the game as always, but it's gonna take a great drive in MR to take John England. That guy can drive, and now he has a supercharger.
Obviously I'll put my money on Shawn (moxnix) to take PR this year after mud got him last year....
I'll go with Andy Thomas in MF. I've never seen anyone wheel a FWD car (with open diff, to boot!) like he does.
I think ZB will take SA as long as he doesn't overdo it like last year. Fortunately the forecast is cool weather and no rain so overdoing it should not result in massive error like spinning off course. When he keeps it on-course he is STUPID fast.
I note with pleasure that I am not listed anywhere in the PF group. Historically speaking, if you're named as a potential winner, that means you will do badly 
Note that you cannot game the system. They've been deliberately naming Warren as the probable winner in MA for a while now and that hasn't stopped him from actually winning.
9/27/16 9:29 p.m.
I'm about 100% sure my co-driver will trounce me, but it's nice to be mentioned? 
9/28/16 4:44 p.m.
After nothing but nice weather for the past couple weeks it has been raining all day today. Guess I'll load up the Miata tomorrow before I leave instead of tonight.
I loaded my car up in the rain. Just finishing some odds and ends. Packing clothes, printing out a couple disclosure forms, making some CDs for the trip, that sort of thing.
Found a 8-gig SD card in my laptop bag. It's from the 2013 RXNC, when I was co-driving Miles' (now Jerry's) 2.5RS., and just before my GoPro died in a most permanent way and I had to stop taking in-car video until I was gifted another one by Will. I probably won't use this SD card because superstition but I am uploading the video for posterity because why not?
Tulsa was a lot of fun every time we went out there! Not that Indianola is bad (it's pretty sweet) but the hotels were maybe a half mile down the road from TRP, the site was HUGE yet accessible, and being my first, second, and third Nationals experience it will always hold a special place for me.
I SHOULD be packing tools and a working on the car, but I have been nursing a broken toe since Sunday night

Plan is to pack tomorrow night and leave early friday morning (only 2+ hours away)
In reply to Madhatr:
I'm ADDING two hours to my drivetime in order to avoid driving I-80 through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, because if you thought toll roads were expensive, wait until you do it with a trailer.
I am thinking my total time will be 10hr. "Boo hoo" says the people coming from the coasts.
In reply to Knurled:
No judgment here... I would drive that for to avoid those tolls too.
It's 13 hours from my House in Texas. Right at the edge of "we'll finish in time to make it back for school drop off Monday" which is one of the big deciding factors in me watching from afar.
9/28/16 9:21 p.m.
.........under two hours?
Well, my idea for doing a time lapse drive video didn't work out. The GoPro only took 3 gig worth of photos, from 5am-8am. I got here at 5pm San Dimas time so it would have been 12 hours times 60 minutes times 12 photos per minute...
Oh well, it was a neat idea! I may still do something with the images. On the upside: Now I have a 32 gig SD card.
Pizza supplies dangerously low. We need PRETZELS, STAT.
(I have been up since 2am and have eaten nothing but two eggs and a whoooole lot of coffee. Feeling woozy)
Edit: Evan noted that the keycards were actually ads for a pizza chain. Their delivery special is a large chicken bacon ranch pizza so of course i ordered it. It looks exactly as unhealthy as it sounds. Artery putty. Tastes way awesome.
Good luck to everyone this morning. It looks like they posted course maps online? Morning course is interesting, looks like they forgot to put curves in it.
Stay safe out there, nobody likes to fill out incident reports.
Yeah looks like it's going to be a fast morning for everyone. I imagine the later cars will be even faster once all the grass gets pulled up.
Watching live timing for MR was amazing. God I wish I was there.
10/1/16 2:09 p.m.
Dustin is killing it. I need to pick up the pace to get in the trophies.
PF is done for the day and Bob has a commanding lead. Could he be the bride this year?
Waiting for MR to take the field.
Warren in 17th in MA, eh? 
Looks like Shawn is reeling in the leaders in PR based on his last few run
Warren did something bad on one of his early runs. I suspect a spin from the time. He's clawing his way back but it's a deep hole.
10/1/16 5:48 p.m.
Yep Warren spun it. I'm in the trophies now.