I checked with Tom and we will be having Valve Cover Racing at The Challenge again this year. If you are like us and plan to "take the 12" you should have plenty of free time on Saturday. I plan to bring Several loaner cars that anyone can use. We'll likely have a little practice session just before the real competition.
There will be a trophy for the winner. I have not decided yet, but the trophy will either be really nice or really big.
Last year's field. (The really small one was remarkably fast. I think the one with the Sunoco sticker won)
Copy of Rules. (Notice rule #8. One of my loaner cars has a wheel attachment that could get you in trouble if you cross the line.)
We are bringing Valve Cover Racing back to the challenge this year. To register, simply show up with your car ready-to-race during the car show on Saturday.
1. Maximum wheelbase shall be 24 inches (measured from center to center).
2. Maximum track shall be 12 inches (measured from the outermost part of the wheel and should not include the hubcap or rim).
3. Maximum weight shall be 30 pounds.
4. Maximum wheel diameter shall be 6 inches (measured with the car on track at the highest point of each wheel).
5. Each car must have four wheels on the track.
6. The only motivational force shall be gravity, so there shall be no extraneous help—mechanical, electrical or otherwise.
7. The launch ramp will be 8 feet long; the track will be an additional 20 feet (or so) beyond that.
8. Any car crossing the centerline and interfering with the opponent’s car will be disqualified.
9. Each run will consist of three heats. The winner of any two heats will continue through the competition to the next series of heats.
10. The first car to cross the finish line without any disqualifications will be the winner of the heat.
11. Lanes will be swapped between heats.
12. Car owners are responsible for catching/stopping their own valve cover race cars.
13. A GRM staff member will control the start gate.
14. All cars must be designed so that they are held in place at the start gate by the most forward point of the car. The start gate is 1-7/8 inches tall. (No portion of the car can break the plane of the start gate.)
15. This is all about having fun.