9/19/14 10:02 a.m.
Woody wrote:
In reply to 93EXCivic:
93EXCivic wrote:
Woody wrote:
I hate Talbot Lagos and Delahayes.
Are you blind, my good sir?
They were overly styled simply for the sake of style, and without purpose. The Citroën SM is just ugly.
As opposed to say the overstyled-yet- purposeful Aztec? Seriously dude... I just don't know what to say about your sense of taste or lack thereof.
I expect this Renault to be fairly removed from anything that actually gets made, but it sure pushes a lot of buttons for me, both functionally and aesthetically.
bastomatic wrote:
Another (final) point I'll make about EVs: Range matters, but in ways I didn't expect. An EV only makes financial sense if you're able to rack up a reasonable amount of miles, because the cost of driving a gas-powered vehicle only a few hundred miles a month is not very great.
So, if you drive very few miles, you might as well have some fun and burn gas - you'll never recoup the initial cost of investment of an EV. And if you drive a ton, of course an EV doesn't suit you because of limited range. But if you're in the ~10-12k miles a year sweet spot, an EV makes a whole lotta sense.
I agree and I wish I was in that range, for many other reasons besides wanting a EV.
I believe that we are on the verge of seeing some very exciting new technologies increasing the range of battery's themselves and the ability to charge them in much less time. I can't help but think that I will see EV's on equal footing or even surpassing the practicality of ICE powered cars in the next 50years which will hopefully be in my lifetime.