8/2/17 11:58 a.m.
Hope this isn't a repeat. If you have Amazon Prime, check out it out, a documentary about the Ford/Ferrari fight at Le Mans. Normally such shows are just meh, but this one was really well done. A lot of background, a lot of detail, and many interviews with the guys who where there. It gets a big thumbs-up by me.
To try to avoid some confusion, it's:
The 24 Hour War

yeah I watched this too, real good. Also be sure to see the steve mqueen le mans movie as well, not the movie itself ( no wait do watch lemans) but the documentary behind that movie is probably better than the movie itself (which is quite good)
I don't think its free but its well worth the 7 dollars or w/e
Adam Carolla is the man.
Side note.... He testified before congress this week about freedom of speech.