Saw the posting on Craigslist and everything turns out legit. I puchased the steering wheel and shifter off her, but the s2 motor, 88 thunderbird racing transmission, cutty cuter rims are still available. I verified the engine harnesses are all there and clutch and bell house look very decent. Thought I might share for
those who need!
Ya. Not made in 86. The real question is it an s2 or an S motor. Both had the bigger valve cover. But there is a big different between the two motors. I am on my phone do i can not see it well enough to tell what it is.
In reply to dean1484:
Yeah I wasn't exactly sure, the intake manifold has a number on it that ends in S2. It could be that a different manifold was put on the motor, but honestly I'm not sure. It looks very nice and the wiring harness isn't bad at all.
Just found an article on PelicanParts that explains the difference. It's definitely an S and not a S2
You can tell by the airbox and the intake manifold, which are both different
Now that I am on my computer that is a regular S motor. Still a good motor but not an s2 motor by a long shot. I don't know if that is a good price or not. I know the heads on those are expensive.