What will take more of your limited time, selling your car and car parts collection, or installing your parts collection on the car?
What will take more of your limited time, selling your car and car parts collection, or installing your parts collection on the car?
How many babies do you have already? If you already have a brat or two (I call them brats, but I love my kids more than the air I breathe), and you can still swing getting enough garage time to do stuff, and you'd like that better, go for it.
My story: As a young fella with just a wife, I found plenty of time to work on the car. With my first little brat, a lot less garage time, but enough. When my second little brat came, no garage time to speak of - project car went.
When they got in to middle school, I think, got the 320i. Did a fair amount to it, still more to do. Now the first brat, beautiful daughter is graduating college next year, and second brat, handsome son, regularly beats me at autocross (by two seconds a lap. In my own car... ), and I have more time to tinker with project car.
So I got a Miata to drive and enjoy. 320i still doesn't get a lot of love.
That's all I gots ta say.
M030 wrote: In reply to OldGray320i: This will be my first brat (that I know of)
In that case, congratulations!!! They are the most fantastic thing ever until about 16-1/2, then turn in to fire breathing monsters that will consume your flesh and eat your brain until about 20, when both you and they learn that they are their own people, will insist on making their own mistakes (in spite of applicable wisdom from the dawn of time - I too was guilty...), and may, in fact, have different ideas about how to live their own life.
I would trade none of it.
Feed (them) well and love them even more.
You'll love it when your kid whips you by several seconds a lap in whatever Boxster you wind up with, or says they'd rather keep the cool old car instead of buying something "new and reliable".
M030 wrote: In reply to OldGray320i: I'm both excited and terrified at the same time.
That's how I feel about buying a Boxster.
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