Anyone know of a web site showing how to break down Accel distributors?
I have an older optical unit with the metal chopper disk on top held in place with a serrated ring, Got the little ring off, but don't know how to remove the chopper wheel. It's thin metal with a thicker metal collar where it contact the shaft.
Any help? Kinda stumped ! ! !
I think that critter is pressed onto the advance unit. To get the advance unit off, if you look in the tip of the dizzy shaft at the top there should be a screw (might be under a felt pad). Remove that screw and the advance unit comes off. You might have to drive the roll pin out of the dizzy gear then slide the whole shaft out to see how to get the thing off.
Sounds reasonable, it sure is ON there. I was going to drive the pins out after dinner and poke at it then, I'll have to check for the screw under the felt pad as well.
Thanks ! !
Would you have any idea which distributor it is? It's got the usual 41201V number on it and a serial number G76546. Pretty much looks like a dual point case. I bought it for the working vacuum advance canister, but I might wanna getit up and running again with a new electronic module. It came with a big 'ol yellow coil with the brown top and an additional little yellow finned top box with the numbers/letters:
F 16
on the back.
Any idea what it is? LOVE to know. It's old and kinda cool and if I could find a diagram, I'd wire it up and see if it works . . .
Again, thanks for the great info ! ! ! !
Accel used to have a silver sticker on the side of the dizzy with the P/N on it. The P/N was sorta 'stamped' in the sticker. Can you find that? Or can you post some pics of it?
Just the 41201 and G76546 both stamped into the foil sticker on the side of the distributor.
41201 is the Accel dizzy number, they usually tack a V on the end. It appears to be an 'Energy Intensifier' system, I'm not familiar with it. A Google shows pretty much zilch. I did find this Craigslist ad:
That looks like a Prestolite ignition module, but I'm not familiar with how they are wired. Prestolite seems to own Accel now, so I'm not surprised. Link to page with instruction sheet PDF's:
Thanks. Every distributor listed but this one it seems. Guess that they didn't sell all that well, no info ANY WHERE on the net.
I mean one mention on a Craigslist ad in Chattanooga ? ! ? ! ? ! ? I'll look up "weird" but I'm sure that's gotta be somewhere in the definition.
At this point, forget replacement parts, I'd just settle for a wiring hook up.