Ok, first of all, the answer is NOT miata...I've owned 3, I love them, but its not scratching this itch.
Im not even sure what is.
Just sold off my Studebaker, fun classic which was utterly boring to drive.
I have a DD, I have other toys, the target vehicle needs to meet no particular purpose.
What I do want.
Power...my old LT1 corvette runs throught my mind here. I DD a smart, which is a fine, competent little car but dang it I want something I can step on the go pedal and feel some go...doesnt need to be warp speed go but just a good feel of oomph. So most likely Im looking for something V8ish.
Not going to track it or anything so stellar handling is not a concern, Im feeling something more in the muscle car or land yacht cruiser here.
Old caddys light my fires, I'd actually like something thats bagged and riding low....yeah, Im wierd.
The thought of a 70s mullet mobile (camaro, firebird, etc) is oddly appealing but probably out of the target budget.
Not really sure what Im looking for, mostly a cruiser, that has a modicum of comfort, AC would be good, could be used to commute (70mi) to work without issue, but not a dedicated commuter, just something to break up the monotony once or twice a month.
Target budget would be about $2500 but exceptions could be made. Should be old enough to qualify for historic registration and insurance.
Just got an itch and Im not sure what's gonna scratch it, looking for odd ideas :)