The only reason I am asking is that I received an Email from the speedway on 12-13-2013 saying my tickets had been shipped and here it is almost 2 weeks later and they still have not arrived. I live in Michigan so it seems a bit excessive however I do realize it's the holiday season etc. Anyway, not overly concerned just curious.
Delivery meltdown, tis the season
12/26/13 8:48 p.m.
I'm still waiting too. Ever since I got the e mail I've been pestering the mail lady.
New Reader
12/26/13 9:07 p.m.
I had this same thought today. Glad I'm not the only anxious one.
I call the wife multiple times a day, just to ask if 1: the postman has arrived, and if so, if there is anything from the Speedway...
Waiting for mine and hoping they arrive before the Roar.
12/27/13 6:59 a.m.
I also received the e-mail on 12/13
it said that "if I haven't received them within 10 business days" yada yada yada ….
if we assume that Christmas Eve isn't a business day, then I've still got a couple of days 'til they're late
one yr I did call when they didn't arrive, DIS said they would have spare tx waiting for me at "will call" … this was ~2 wks before the race, the tx's finally did arrive the wk I was going to leave …
so still waiting "patiently" 
Ok then, seems to be the norm. Thanks to everyone.
Got another e mail today saying the tikets were mailed today. 10 more days?
I'm in Florida, and still havn't recieved mine yet...
TRoglodyte wrote:
Got another e mail today saying the tikets were mailed today. 10 more days?
I received the same Email today. Looks to be an identical mailing to the original sent on 12/13 only with todays date.
12/31/13 7:57 p.m.
yep … received the "your tickets have been shipped" …. this is the second one of those e-mails I've received … this one should actually be the one that gets them to me …. it's pretty much the normal time line
12/31/13 10:32 p.m.
I called the other day. The first email was for all tickets, the GRM tickets didn't go out at that time. Looks like they went out today
Let's hope that my parking lot camping, which may be considered a "normal" ticket arrives with my GRM tickets.
How much is 1 package and what is included?
Got them in the mail today! I believe that they were about $125 each. Been sold out for months now.
Got mine today also, and I live in Michigan. So not only I am looking forward to the whole race experience I am also looking forward to getting the hell out of this crazy winter weather. Below zero and single digit highs are getting old....real quick. See everybody there!
Im a selling three (3) GRM Experience ticket packages, i bought them but something came up with work and i can not make it. Email me at if you are interested.