One of them days .....
The drivers side rear axle sheared all the lug bolts off but one !
So I am either looking for an axle or a complete rear end ,
Google is not too helpful or maybe I am tired waiting for AAA to drag me home 80 miles.....
Watched the YouTube videos and removing the axle does not seem too bad , and I know removing the whole drum to drum rear end is doable , just heavy
Anyway it is a 1987 D21 Hardbody 4 cyl , 2 wheel drive ,
Just would like to know what year axles fit or the complete drum to drum rear end.
Thanks for your help ,
2/21/19 5:27 a.m.
The h190 rear has a 3rd member design, the c200 has the diff mounted in the axle housing. If i had to guess, it may be the c200. Could be the H233 but that was mostly 4x4 and v6 or heavy applications. The numbered portion is ring gear size. But there is at least 3 axles it could be and i doubt the axle shafts interchange so make sure whomever your asking gets you the right one.
The axles are extremely common and should be easy to source. Pulling the entire drum assy is “easy” and pretty straight forward.
Thanks , just got home , 3 hour wait for AAA....
I will look at it when it gets light , 3:30am here now
Could I just press out the broken wheel studs ?
Yes. You might be able to get them out with a hammer, and pull them back in without removing the axle, if there is enough room.
If the only damage to the axle is the wheel studs, just drive them out with a hammer and drive in new ones with a press, hammer, or impact. If you are lucky the axle does not even have to come apart and you can snake the studs out between the hub flange and the backing plate.
Oh. And tighten your damn lugnuts!
this is the rear axle pictures if I did it right
In reply to californiamilleghia :
2/21/19 12:11 p.m.
Pull the shaft, and replace the broken studs.
Same amount of work as replacing the shaft, but much cheaper. Might want to figure out whether your third member gasket or pinion seal are leaking or just the fill and/or drain plugs, and attend to that, as well.