Will be there 1/24-27. Have rental. Not very tallented, but good at grunt work.
wheels777 wrote: Will be there 1/24-27. Have rental. Not very tallented, but good at grunt work.
The understatement of 2011!
Bummer. I'm in Indy and could use a hand/moral support while cleaning up wiring and general underbay cleaning.
Nobody should want to volunteer for that, though.
I'm here every day for work, but don't know of anyone close doing a challenge build.
I'll PM you my number though. Lunch is on me, if you have the time.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote: Bummer. I'm in Indy and could use a hand/moral support while cleaning up wiring and general underbay cleaning.Nobody should want to volunteer for that, though.
I can hit Indy if you need help. Crappey work stinks. Stinks less with help.
Plane gets in early Monday. I was going to run 120 miles North of LaFayette to a vendor shop and back down to the Hotel. Could change plans, Its only 65 miles LaF to Indy.
petegossett wrote: I'm here every day for work, but don't know of anyone close doing a challenge build. I'll PM you my number though. Lunch is on me, if you have the time.
In meeting during the days. Avail at night.
oldtin wrote: I'd take you up on the offer in a heartbeat but I'm on the north side of chicago.
No Chicago this trip. Will be in San Diego in March though....
oldtin wrote: I'd take you up on the offer in a heartbeat but I'm on the north side of chicago.
I'm here too, but no challenge car. just cars that are challenges....
internetautomart wrote:oldtin wrote: I'd take you up on the offer in a heartbeat but I'm on the north side of chicago.I'm here too, but no challenge car. just cars that are challenges....
I'll probably give it more attention when it's above freezing. It's about 90% done - need cheap wheels & tires and tuning...all help welcome.
Wouldn't pass up an opportunity to have a Nelson look it over if the chance ever came up though. I've heard he knows something about V8 powered MGs
petegossett wrote: I'm here every day for work, but don't know of anyone close doing a challenge build. I'll PM you my number though. Lunch is on me, if you have the time.
Pete and I are getting together tomorrow ifanyone else cares to join us.
It was awesome hanging out Andy, truly some amazing work & stories! I'm going to need to find an excuse to come to PA just to check out your cars in person. :D
petegossett wrote: It was awesome hanging out Andy, truly some amazing work & stories! I'm going to need to find an excuse to come to PA just to check out your cars in person. :D
several of us have been to "the barn." it is truly an incredible place. i'm worried that andy's selliing out, though, now that he's got that fancy-schmancy concrete floor in the new building. i wonder if he's got Calvin removing all the blue M&M's yet.
petegossett wrote: It was awesome hanging out Andy, truly some amazing work & stories! I'm going to need to find an excuse to come to PA just to check out your cars in person. :D
It's worth the trip - the Nelson family is a bunch of fantastically wonderful nice people. When I went there they immediately made me feel like I was home. It's hard to vocalize how important it is to meet truly nice people in life.
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